WAG 02-07-03-l
Verify Identity
Verify the identity of the person filing the application. When an approved representative applies for a SNAP household, verify the identity of the payee for the SNAP household and of the approved representative. It is not necessary to verify the identity of each person listed on the application.
Shelter Costs for an Unoccupied Home
SNAP applicants may claim expenses for a home in which they temporarily do not live. A SNAP household that has both an occupied home and an unoccupied home is only entitled to one standard. The appropriate standard may be used for the home the SNAP household chooses.
Child Support Deduction
When a SNAP household requests a deduction for child support payments, verify the support order and the actual support payments made in the last 30 days to determine the child support deduction and convert to a monthly amount. See PM 13-02-04 for converting deductions to a monthly amount. The support order may be a court order, an administrative order, or a legal separation document.
Qualifying Member Medical Expenses
For SNAP households with a qualifying member verify that total medical costs for all qualifying members are more than $35, prior to allowing a Standard Medical Deduction. Verify all medical expenses for SNAP households choosing actual medical expenses instead of a Standard Medical Deduction. See PM 05-06-01 for qualifying member definition. A qualifying member SNAP household entitled to expedited service is entitled to a medical expense deduction, if they list medical expense amounts, even if verification of those expenses is postponed. See WAG 13-01-05-a.
Verification of the Expenses
If getting needed verification for an expense delays approving a SNAP household's application, figure the household's eligibility and benefit level without a deduction for the expense which was reported but not verified. If, after the SNAP household is approved for benefits, the household provides verification of the expense, treat the information like the SNAP household reported a change in circumstances (see PM 18-04-00).
Note: Verification of housing costs is not required for SNAP. Accept the customer's statement of the amount for their housing costs (rent, mortgage, property taxes, state and local assessments, and homeowner's insurance). See PM 13-01-08-c for Shelter Costs for an Unoccupied Home.
Accepting Verifications via the Customer's Cell Phone
Documentary evidence is used as the primary source of verification when possible. Documentary evidence is the actual item itself, such as a driver's license or paystubs. When a customer is claiming not to have the actual item, the Family Community Resource Center (FCRC) must accept any reasonable documentary evidence provided by the household that adequately proves the statements on the application and can be identified as belonging to customer.
Work Requirement
When a member of the SNAP household must meet the SNAP Work Requirement, anticipate the Work Requirement will be met. A statement that the customer expects to meet the Work Requirement is verification that the Work Requirement is met. Verification does not need to be provided monthly. The customer is in Change Reporting status and is responsible for reporting a change within 10 calendar days of the date they learn about the change (PM 18-04-00). The statement may be from an employer, a local governmental unit, SNAP Employment and Training staff, or a community organization.
Financial Management
If a SNAP household's monthly SNAP related expenses exceed the household's known monthly income and resources, discuss financial management with the applicant. Ask the applicant how they pay the expenses. They must explain financial management before SNAP benefits are issued. But they do not have to provide verification to prove it before expedited benefits are issued/
- Document the applicant's statements and explanation of their financial management.
- If explaining financial management requires that the applicant provide verification, request the verification (see PM 02-07-02). Deny the application if the applicant does not provide the verification within 10 calendar days and has not asked for more time or help in getting the information.