September 16, 2020 Executive Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Executive Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


September 16, 2020, 10:30am to 12:00pm



  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call, Welcome & Overview
  3. Financial Report
  4. Committee and Work Group Status Updates
    1. Planning & Grants
    2. Racial & Ethnic Disparities
    3. Youth Engagement
    4. JISC
  5. Compliance Monitoring
  6. Three Year Planning Process
  7. Public Comment
  8. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 10:36am. 
  2. Welcome, Roll Call & Overview
    Members: Julie Biehl, Ja'Vaune Jackson, Lisa Jacobs, Era Laudermilk, Briana Payton, Rick Velasquez. Staff/Guests: Andrea Hall, Dick Walsh, Katy Culleeny,  Hannah Bonner, Sosina Tesema.
    Chairman Rick Velasquez gave a brief history and overview of the functions and expectations for the executive committee and commission.
    Mr. Velasquez explained how in the past year, and since Andrea Hall's appointment as the Executive Director, they have been able to refine their direction and add several new members. There is opportunity to review the bylaws, as they were last revised in 1988. Mr. Velasquez expressed the desire to grow the executive committee membership, including co-chairs for other new and standing committees. Co-chairs, as opposed to a single chair, allows for flexibility and continuity in the work. Until more committees are created, the executive committee will serve as a catch-all for other areas, including compliance. The executive committee is otherwise responsible for applications made to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), opposing amendments to by-laws, and reviewing adverse reactions.
    Lisa Jacobs, Vice Chair, also noted that the executive committee functions almost entirely at the direction of the full commission. The exception being if decisions needed to be made in between full meetings. Mr. Velasquez and Ms. Jacobs discussed how this was not explicit in the by-laws, but that the executive committee has operated more narrowly than the by-laws have allowed in the past.
    Mr. Velasquez expressed that in future executive meetings, there will be a standard report and opportunities to discuss bigger umbrella issues, such as finances. Additionally, the executive committee will get a sense of the progress of other committees and create the agenda for the upcoming full commission meeting.
  3. Financial Report
    Andrea Hall, Executive Director, updated committee members on current expenditures and status of federal funds.
  4. Committee and Work Group Status Updates
    1. Planning & Grants
      Ms. Jacobs explained how the Planning & Grants committee is not as busy this year due to the fact all grants were non-competitive this year, as decided by Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS), in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. In a normal year, the committee would recommend for priorities for funding and review Request for Providers (RFP's). At this time, it is unknown if a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) will be released in February or March., if it is, it will be the responsibility of the Planning & Grants Committee.
      Mr. Velasquez added that while the funding for sites was automatically continued, the Planning and Grants committee still met to review applications and place contracts. Mr. Velasquez also discussed the possibility for interim funding and additional NOFO's. Ms. Jacobs acknowledged that this has been difficult if not impossible to do in the past because of DHS and is why Illinois Collaboration on Youth has been brough in as a contracting agency. 
    2. Racial & Ethnic Disparities
      Mr. Velasquez invited Era Laudermilk and Ms. Hall to update the committee members on the work of the Racial and Ethnic Disparities committee.
      Ms. Laudermilk let the group know that the committee is still in planning stages, looking to invite new members and possibly a new co-chair. Ms. Laudermilk highlighted some next steps, including brainstorming on mission and goals, ideas for programming and data needed.
      Ms. Hall elaborated, explaining how the committee was looking to invite more members, both internal and external, work on statewide data collection with potential partnership from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) and possibly a new name. In response to a question from Briana Payton, Ms. Laudermilk explained that a name change is necessary as the pronunciation of RED, as an abbreviation for Racial & Ethnic Disparities, is offensive to many Native Americans.
    3. Youth Engagement
      Mr. Velasquez invited Ms. Payton to give updates on the Youth Engagement Committee.
      Ms. Payton explained that they held a preliminary meeting to understand youth engagement work done by the commission in the past. Ms. Payton and her Co-chair Ja'Vaune Jackson would like for the work going forward to be more consistent and integrated, and less project based. Ms. Payton and Mr. Jackson would like to move forward with a youth council that includes justice-involved youth. Ms. Payton asked other committee members to please send referrals for people would be able and willing to join the committee.  
    4. JISC
      Ms. Jacobs updated the committee members on the research paper the Commission would soon be publishing. The paper will cover what effective deflection and diversion practices exist, taking an informational approach by providing analysis and recommendations with less focus and commentary on the Juvenile Intervention & Support Center (JISC) specifically. Mr. Velasquez expressed his gratitude for such knowledgeable and committed Commissioners, emphasizing how this is a proud moment for the Commission.
      Ms. Laudermilk expressed the desire to ensure that the paper, while academic, could be accessible to the public, either by creating a fact sheet or contacting someone who could use the paper to write an opinion piece.
  5. Compliance Monitoring
    Mr. Velasquez and Ms. Hall discussed a recent revival of a past audit by the new OJJDP liaison regarding compliance. Ms. Jacobs asked if the issue was in regard to sight and sound violations and the OJJDP liaison's past request to inspect adult facilities as the Commission previously provided a legal memorandum as to why this is not necessary in Illinois due to the fact youth are never held in adult prisons. Ms. Hall let committee members know there would be more information soon.
    Mr. Velasquez and Dick Walsh, Compliance Monitor, briefly discussed the process and procedures for correcting violation errors. Mr. Walsh expressed that explicit permission is required from the Department of Corrections to collect the data and provide technical assistance in person.
  6. Three Year Planning Process
    Ms. Hall updated the group on the ongoing three-year planning process. The responses to the presentations from external stakeholders were overall positive. Questions submitted for speakers were passed along and responses will be shared. Next steps include gathering budget and juvenile justice data and that there may be another meeting for planning.
  7. Public Comment
    There was no public comment.
  8. Adjourn
    Ms. Jacobs moved adjourning. Ms. Laudermilk seconded the motion. Meeting Adjourned 12:15pm.