Questions & Answers
- Q1: How should Grant Exclusive Line Items be handled on the Uniform Budget and Narrative?
- A1: Grant Exclusive may only include assistive technology and devices purchased directly for customers. Grant exclusive items may not be included in the indirect cost rate calculation.
Q2: Are grantees allowed to submit two applications?
- A2: No, under this announcement the State will accept one application for the Older Individuals Who are Blind Program per Organization and/or program Director.
Q3: What kind of point system is use to evaluate the Grant with the Merit Base Review?
- A3: Total points are 100 divided in 4 categories with a maximum of 25 point per category.
- The categories are: 1. Need, 2. Capacity, 3. Quality and 4. Other Criteria. Other criteria includes societal impact, economic impact, cost effectiveness, sustainability and Grant specific criteria.
Q4: How much will be awarded by County and Region?
- A4: Awards will not be granted by County and Region.
Q5: Can this grant be for Deaf and Blind?
- A5: The purpose of the Older Blind Program is to provide services for individuals age 55 or older whose severe visual impairment makes competitive employment difficult to obtain but for whom independent living goals are feasible. Allowable services are described in 34 CFR Section 367.3(b) of the Independent Living Services for Older Individuals who are Blind program. Funds are used to provide independent living services, conduct activities that will improve or expand services for these individuals and conduct activities to improve public understanding of the problems of these individuals. Services are designed to help persons served under this program to adjust to their blindness by increasing their ability to care for their individual needs.
Q6: Do you know if there is a Grant for Deaf and Blind that we can apply for?
- A6: All available grants are listed here in the Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) - all State of Illinois Grants are listed (including those from IDHS). IDHS grants are also listed here: IDHS Grants.
- DRS has the following Grant -- DHS Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who are Blind
- CSFA Number: 444-30-0189
- CSFA Popular Name: Older Blind Program
Q7: Is an electronic signature considerate as an original signature?
Q8: Eye exams are for the benefit of customers same as devices, and are NOT part of the operating cost of the program. Can we add the eye exams in the Grant Exclusive line?