West Central

Organization Address City Zip Contact Title Phone Email
American Camp Association Illinois 5 S Wabash Ave Ste 1406 Chicago 60603 Colette Marquardt Executive Director 312-332-0833 colette@acail.org
Bella Ease PO Box 708 Quincy 62306 Cheryl Williams Executive Director 217-209-0632 clwilliams@bellaease.com
City of Carthage 538 Wabash Carthage 62321 Amy Graham Director of Carthage Community Development 217-357-3800 ccdc@carthage-il.com
City of Macomb 232 E Jackson St Macomb 61455 John Bannon Community Development Coordinator 309-833-4944 cdc@cityofmacomb.com
City of Quincy 730 Maine St Quincy 62301 Chuck Bevelheimer Director of Planning 217-228-4515 chuckb@quincyil.gov
Family Guidance Centers 2630 S Wabash Ave Chicago 60616 Dr. Ciuinal Lewis Exec. Vice President 312-808-3231 Clewis@fgcinc.org
Housing Action Illinois 67 E Madison St Ste 1603 Chicago 60603 Sharon Legenza Executive Director 312-939-6074 sharon@housingactionil.org
Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics 310 S Peoria St Ste 304 Chicago 60607 Dru O'Rourke Senior Manager, Membership Engagement 312-733-1026 dorourke@illinoisaap.com
Illinois Migrant Council 118 S Clinton St Chicago 60073 Esperanza Gonzalez Director of Minority Health Programs 312-804-1037 esperanz-gonzalez@sbcglobal.net
NAACP Galesburg Branch 3016 1117 Hawkinson Ave, Unit 11 Galesburg 61401 Brittany Grimes President 240-482-9855 naacpgalesburg@gmail.com
NAACP Illinois State Conference 2532 PORTSMOUTH CIRCLE SPRINGFIELD 62703 TERESA HALEY State President 217-836-4339 thaley@illinoisnaacp.org
Southern Illinois University School of Medicine 201 Madison Springfield 62702 Tracey Smith Executive Director of Office of Community Initiatives and Complex Care 217-825-9181 tsmith@siumed.edu
Special Olympics Illinois 605 E Willow St Normal 61761 Cindy Villafuerte CFO 309-888-2551 cvillafuerte@soill.org
Transitions of Western Illinois 4409 Maine St Quincy 62305 Mark Schmitz Executive Director 217-223-0413 mschmitz@twi.org
West Central Illinois Agency on Aging 639 York St Quincy 62301 Michael Drew Director 217-223-7904 michael.drew@wciagingnetwork.org