100 Black Men of Chicago |
3473 S. King Drive Suite 206 |
Chicago |
60616 |
Carl Tutt |
President |
630-750-3786 |
carl.tutt@100bmc.org |
21st Century Instruction and Design, LLC |
7219 South Prairie Avenue |
Chicago |
60619 |
Gloria Jackson |
Owner |
773-914-4452 |
g.jackson@21id.org |
3K1A Strategies |
675 Lake Street, Unit 125 |
Oak Park |
60301 |
Kouri Marshall |
Principal |
202-681-8064 |
kouri@threek1a.com |
A Knock At Midnight |
400 W 76th St Ste 206 |
Chicago |
60620 |
Johnny Banks |
Executive Director |
773-488-2960 |
akambanks@msn.com |
A Safe Haven Foundation |
2750 W Roosevelt Rd |
Chicago |
60608 |
Monique N. Caston |
Director of Grants |
773-435-8422 |
mcaston@asafehaven.org |
ABJ Community Services, Inc. |
1818 East 71st St |
Chicago |
60649 |
Victoria C. Brady |
President/CEO |
773-209-4586 |
victoriabrady@abjchicago.org |
Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center |
2942 W Lake St |
Chicago |
60612 |
Daniel Hostetler |
Executive Director |
773-940-2960 |
dhostetler@anb.today |
Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago |
115 W Chicago Ave |
Chicago |
60654 |
Daisy Feidt |
Executive Vice President |
312-640-2197 |
dfeidt@accessliving.org |
Africa Global Chamber of Commerce |
2009 W Arthur Ave, Ste 1 |
Chicago |
60645 |
Olivier Kamanzi |
Chairman & CEO |
312-927-4830 |
okamanzi@africangcc.org |
Agudath Israel of Illinois |
3542 W Peterson Ave |
Chicago |
60659 |
Shlomo Soroka |
Rabbi |
312-254-7543 |
ssoroka@agudathisrael-il.org |
AIDS Foundation of Chicago |
200 W Monroe St Ste 1150 |
Chicago |
60606 |
Laura Roche |
Program Development Manager |
312-784-9099 |
lroche@aidschicago.org |
Alternative Schools Network |
1807 W Sunnyside, 1D |
Chicago |
60640 |
Jack Wuest |
Executive Director |
773-728-4030 |
jwuest@asnchicago.org |
American Camp Association Illinois |
5 S Wabash Ave Ste 1406 |
Chicago |
60603 |
Colette Marquardt |
Executive Director |
312-332-0833 |
colette@acail.org |
American Indian Association of Illinois |
1650 W Foster |
Chicago |
60640 |
Dorene Wiese |
President |
773-550-9600 |
dpwiese@aol.com |
American Indian Center |
3401 W Ainslie St |
Chicago |
60625 |
Heather Miller |
Executive Director |
406-600-3190 |
hmiller@aicchicago.org |
Antioch Community Social Service Agency |
415 W Englewood Ave |
Chicago |
60621 |
Eddie Johnson III |
Executive Director |
773-575-8173 |
ejohnson3_489@hotmail.com |
Asian Health Coalition |
180 W Washington St Ste 1000 |
Chicago |
60602 |
Yicklun Mo |
Assistance Director |
312-372-7070 |
yicklun@asianhealth.org |
Assyrian Universal Alliance Foundation |
4343 W Touhy Ave |
Lincolnwood |
60712 |
Larry Dakof |
Treasurer |
773 863 3566 |
Ldakof@auaf.us |
Austin Childcare Providers' Network |
5701 W Division |
Chicago |
60651 |
Ruth Kimble |
Executive Director |
773-457-2990 |
quinlan3@prodigy.net |
Austin Peoples Action Center |
5125 W Chicago Ave |
Chicago |
60651 |
Cynthia Williams |
773-921-2121 |
sistuh2sistuh@aol.com |
Because I Care Inc |
5811 W Chicago Ave |
Chicago |
60651 |
James Spearman |
Board Chair |
708-514-6831 |
Black United Fund of Illinois |
1809 E 71st Stw 200 |
Chicago |
60649 |
Carolyn Day |
Executive Director |
773-324-0494 |
Executivedirector@bufi.org |
Bright Leadership Institute |
5820 W Chicago Ave 2 |
Chicago |
60651 |
Phyllis Logan |
Census Coordinator |
708-612-8518 |
brightleadershipinstitute3007@gmail.com |
Campaign for a Drug Free Westside Inc |
300 N Central Ave |
Chicago |
60644 |
CB Johnson |
773-261-1421 |
cbjohnson@drugfreewestside.org |
Carlop Marketing Productions Inc |
5842 N Medina Ave |
Chicago |
60646 |
Jose Alfredo Lopez |
President |
773-218-9800 |
alfredolopez@uscmp.com |
C.C.E Enterprises |
1636 N Bosworth Ste 1 |
Chicago |
60642 |
Crystal Eatman |
President and CEO |
773-656-7844 |
crystaleatman@cceenterprisesllc.com |
Center for Community Academic Success Partnerships |
16234 Prince Dr |
South Holland |
60473 |
Barbara Harris |
Executive Director |
708-582-1801 |
harriswoodard@gmail.com |
CHANGE Illinois |
233 N Michigan Ste 1800 |
Chicago |
60601 |
Liliana Scales |
Advocacy Director |
904-404-2173 |
lscales@changeil.org |
Chatham Business Association |
800 E 78th St |
Chicago |
60619 |
Pattilyn Beals |
Interim Executive Director |
773-994-5006 |
pattilynbeals@cbaworks.org |
Chicago Area Project |
55 East Jackson Blvd. #900 |
Chicago |
60604 |
Howard Lathan |
Associate Executive Director |
312 588-3805 |
howardlathan@yahoo.com |
Chicago Urban League |
4510 S Michigan Ave |
Chicago |
60653 |
Stephanie Schmitz Bechteler |
ED, Research & Policy Center |
773-402-8505 |
sbechteler@CHIUL.ORG |
City of Prospect Heights |
8 N Elmhurst Rd |
Prospect Heights |
60070 |
Peter Falcone |
Assistant City Administrator |
847-398-6070 |
pfalcone@prospect-heights.org |
Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community |
2141 S Tan Ct |
Chicago |
60616 |
Grace Chan McKibben |
Executive Director |
773-405-6770 |
gracechan@cbcacchicago.org |
Communities United |
4749 N Kedzie Ave 2nd floor |
Chicago |
60625 |
Jennifer Arwade |
Co-Executive Director |
773-583-1387 |
jenny@communitiesunited.org |
Community and Family Partners and Development |
16224 Ellis Ave |
South Holland |
60473 |
Jason Woodard |
Director |
312-307-4518 |
jwoodardcp@gmail.com |
Cook County Bureau of Economic Development |
69 W. Washington |
Chicago |
60602 |
Jamila McMillon |
Legislative Coordinator |
312-603-0317 |
jamila.mcmillon@cookcountyil.gov |
Core Management Solutions Incorporated |
10118 S Vincennes |
Chicago |
60643 |
MC Wilson |
President |
773-860-0802 |
mwilson3310@gmail.com |
DuPage Federation on Human Services Reform |
246 E Janata Blvd Ste 265 |
Lombard |
60148 |
David Roth |
Executive Director |
708-466-2132 |
droth@dupagefederation.org |
EL Hogar Del Nino |
1710 S Loomis |
Chicago |
60608 |
Rosaura Arellano |
Managing Director |
312-733-5584 |
rosaura.arellano@elhogardelnino.org |
El Valor |
1850 W. 21st St. |
Chicago |
60608 |
Jillian Gonzalez |
Sr. Vice President |
312-492-5945 |
Jillian.gonzalez@elvalor.net |
Erie Neighborhood House |
1701 W Superior St |
Chicago |
60622 |
Erin Malcolm |
Assistant Director of Development |
312-563-5808 |
emalcolm@eriehouse.org |
Faith Works Pavilion Community Dev. Corp. |
437 E 71st St |
Chicago |
60619 |
Joan L. Clay |
President |
773-224-9264 |
jlclay.faithworks/@yahoo.com |
Family Guidance Centers |
2630 S Wabash Ave |
Chicago |
60616 |
Dr. Ciuinal Lewis |
Exec. Vice President |
312-808-3231 |
Clewis@fgcinc.org |
Fathers Who Care |
4540 W Washington Blvd |
Chicago |
60624 |
Rev. Walter Jones |
Executive Director |
773-287-5821 |
westsidecommunitystakeholders@gmail.com |
Featherfist Inc. |
2255 E 75th St |
Chicago |
60649 |
Leslie Levy |
Director of Project Development |
773-719-7601 |
llevy@featherfist.org |
Field of Dreams Visionary Center |
875 N Michigan Ave, Ste 3100 |
Chicago |
60624 |
Siri Hibbler |
Founder and CEO |
773-454-8369 |
Siri.hibbler@fieldofdreamsvisionarycenter.com |
Free Lunch Academy |
7837 S. Colfax Ave. |
Chicago |
60649 |
Calvin King |
Executive Director |
773-526-2312 |
freelunchacademy@gmail.com |
Global Girls, Inc. |
8151 S Chicago Ave
The Global Studio
Chicago |
60617 |
Marvinetta Marie Woodley-Penn |
Executive Director |
312-320-7779 |
mpenn@globalgirlsinc.org |
Goodwill Industries of Metropolitan Chicago |
6054 S. Western Ave. |
Chicago |
60636 |
Brenda Sanders |
Programs & Workforce Connection Centers |
773-627-5755 |
Brenda.Sanders@goodwillchicago.com |
Greater Chicago Food Depository |
4100 West Ann Lurie Place |
Chicago |
60632 |
Nicole R Robinson |
VP of Community Impact |
773-843-7798 |
nrobinson@gcfd.org |
Healthcare Alternative Systems |
2755 W Armitage Ave |
Chicago |
60647 |
Marco Jacome |
773-252-3100 |
mjacome@hascares.org |
Hope Charities |
20300 Governors Hwy |
Olympia Fields |
60461 |
Oliver Akano |
President |
773-368-3499 |
oakano@gmail.com |
Housing Action Illinois |
67 E Madison St Ste 1603 |
Chicago |
60603 |
Sharon Legenza |
Executive Director |
312-939-6074 |
sharon@housingactionil.org |
Illinois Action for Children |
4753 N Broadway Ste 1200 |
Chicago |
60640 |
Maria Whelan |
President and CEO |
773-769-8011 |
whelanm@actforchildren.org |
Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics |
310 S Peoria St Ste 304 |
Chicago |
60607 |
Dru O'Rourke |
Senior Manager, Membership Engagement |
312-733-1026 |
dorourke@illinoisaap.com |
Illinois Muslim Civic Coalition |
2425 W 22nd St Ste 209 |
Oak Brook |
60523 |
Reema Kamran |
Executive Director |
630-640-9422 |
reema@ilmuslimciviccoalition.org |
Impact Family Center |
838 W Marquette Rd |
Chicago |
60621 |
Rashaud Bell |
Development Manager |
312-772-8531 |
Impactdevelopmentcoordinator@gmail.com |
Improved Child Care Management Services, Corp., Albany Child Care Center |
5954 S Albany Ave |
Chicago |
60629 |
Jovan Willis |
773-737-0231 |
iccm@sbcglobal.net |
Indigenous Community Service Center |
24142 S Volbrecht Rd |
Crete |
60417 |
Yvonne M Orr-El |
Executive Director |
224-218-2554 |
yvonne@indigenouscommunityctr.org |
Indo American Center |
6328 N California Ave |
Chicago |
60659 |
Samay Gheewala |
Civic Engagement Coordinator |
773-973-4444 |
sgheewala@indoamerican.org |
Inner Voice Chicago |
212 W Van Buren St Ste 300 |
Chicago |
60607 |
Jacqueline Edens |
312-994-5830 |
jedens@ivchi.org |
J.A.M Enterprises of IL LLC |
418 S Cicero |
Chicago |
60651 |
Johnny Martin |
Chief Executive Officer |
773-908-3532 |
jam.onit75@yahoo.com |
Latino Policy Forum |
180 N Michigan Ave |
Chicago |
60601 |
Carmen Martinez |
Development Manager |
312-376-1766 |
cmartinez@latinopolicyforum.org |
60623 |
773-648-1502 |
Lawndale Business Renaissance Association |
906 Sh Homan Ave Ste 400 |
Chicago |
60624 |
E. Bernard Jennings |
Executive Director |
312-925-3186 |
jennings_eb@sbcglobal.net |
Maroon Village |
9417 S May |
Chicago |
60620 |
Rich Gardner |
President |
773-798-9326 |
hellomaroonvillage@gmail.com |
Matthew House |
3728 S Indiana Ave |
Chicago |
60653 |
Dr. Sanja Rickette Stinson |
CEO and Executive Director |
773-536-6628 |
eldersanja@ameritech.net |
McDermott Center DBA Haymarket Center |
120 N Sangamon St |
Chicago |
60607 |
Jeffrey Collord |
Vice President of Operations |
312-226-7984 x 331 |
jcollord@hcenter.org |
Mothers of Hope Resource Center Non Profit |
P.O. Box 604 |
Blue Island |
60406 |
Candace Brown |
Executive Director |
708-566-0827 |
mothersofhoperesourcecenter@gmail.com |
Mujeres Latinas en Accion |
2124 W 21st Place |
Chicago |
60608 |
Monica Paulson |
Government Grants & Advocacy Manager |
773-890-8570 |
mpaulson@mujereslat.org |
NAACP Chicago Westside Branch |
5820 W Chicago Ave |
Chicago |
60651 |
Phyllis Logan |
1st VP & Census Coordinator |
708-612-8518 |
plogan@cwbnaacp.org |
NAACP Illinois State Conference |
62703 |
State President |
217-836-4339 |
thaley@illinoisnaacp.org |
New Age Services Corporation |
1330 S. Kostner Ave. |
Chicago |
60623 |
Dr. Toniya Calhoun, MSW |
Chief Executive Officer |
773-542-1150 |
tcalhoun@newageservices.org |
New Horizon Center |
6737 W Forest Preserve Ave |
Chicago |
60634 |
Maria Sarno |
Program Director |
773-286-6226 |
Msarno@newhorizoncenter.org |
Omega Community Human Services Org. |
1717 Howard St |
Evanston |
60202 |
Nelia Ladlad |
Executive Director |
773-332-9568 |
neliaguinsatao@gmail.com |
People's Community Development Assn |
3570 W Fifth Ave |
Chicago |
60624 |
Michael Eaddy |
President |
773-531-4411 |
michaeleaddy@sbcglobal.net |
Phalanx Family Services |
837 W 119th St |
Chicago |
60643 |
Robbie Sanders |
773-287-1353 |
tsanders@phalanxgrpservices.org |
Project Brotherhood |
6932 S Oglesby |
Chicago |
60649 |
Marcus Murray, MPH |
Executive Director |
773-573-7295 |
mr.murray@projectbrotherhood.net |
Proviso Leyden Council for Community Action Inc. |
411 W Madison St |
Maywood |
60153 |
Bishop Dr. Claude Porter |
Founder and CEO |
708-450-3506 |
bishopporter@plcca.org |
Rincon Family Services |
3710 N Kedzie Ave |
Chicago |
60618 |
Eddy F. Borrayo |
President and CEO |
773-564-9070 |
eborrayo@rinconfamilyservices.org |
Sankofa Safe Child Initiative |
4041 W Roosevelt Rd |
Chicago |
60624 |
Annetta Wilson |
Executive Director |
773-542-9900 |
wsafechild@sbcglobal.net |
Save One Life Foundation |
PO Box 734 |
Yorkville |
60550 |
Dr. Tasha Davis |
President |
630-429-6143 |
Saveonelifefoundation@gmail.com |
Second Sense |
65 E Wacker Pl #1010 |
Chicago |
60601 |
Steven Zelner |
Executive Director |
312-236-8569 |
steven.zelner@second-sense.org |
Security Awareness Outreach |
9453 S Ashland Ste 7 |
Chicago |
60620 |
Henry J Page |
President |
773-988-9414 |
pagesecurities@gmail.com |
SGA Youth & Family Services |
11 E Adams St Ste 1500 |
Chicago |
60603 |
Cristina Ocon |
Grants and Operations Manager |
312-447-4351 |
cocon@sga-youth.org |
Shore Community Services |
8350 Laramie Avenue |
Skokie |
60077 |
India Alexis Ehioba |
630-234-3216 |
India@shoreservices.org |
Sinai Community Institute |
2653 West Ogden Ave |
Chicago |
60608 |
Angela D. Brown |
SCI System Director |
773-522-8640 |
broang@sinai.org |
South Asian American Policy and Research Institute (SAAPRI) |
350 N Broadway, 2nd Floor |
Chicago |
60613 |
Shobhana J Verma |
Executive Director |
773-373-9750 |
shobhana@saapri.org |
South Side Community Art Center |
3831 S Michigan |
Chicago |
60653 |
Jacqueline Williams |
Director of Development |
773-373-1026 |
jackie@sscartcenter.org |
Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP) |
2558 W 63rd St |
Chicago |
60629 |
Chris Brown |
Director of Operations |
773-471-8208 |
cbrown@swopchicago.org |
Spanish Coalition for Housing (SCH) |
1922 N Pulaski Rd |
Chicago |
60639 |
Joseph Lopez |
Development Manager |
773-342-7575 x 153 |
jlopez@sc4housing.org |
Special Olympics Illinois |
605 E Willow St |
Normal |
61761 |
Cindy Villafuerte |
309-888-2551 |
cvillafuerte@soill.org |
St. Agatha Church |
3151 W Douglas Blvd |
Chicago |
60623 |
David Wolfe |
Tech Center Coordinator |
773-522-3050 |
davidewolfe@archchicago.org |
Strategy for Access Foundation NFP |
4800 S Chicago Beach Dr #1707S |
Chicago |
60619 |
Vanessa A. Harris |
President |
312-650-9256 |
fun@fun4thedisabled.com |
The CABET Group |
226 S Wabash Ave |
Chicago |
60605 |
Tyrone Farris |
312-786-0890 |
tfarris@cabetinc.org |
The Chicago Lighthouse For People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired |
1850 W Roosevelt Rd |
Chicago |
60608 |
Martha Younger-White |
Senior VP Employment & Rehabilitation Services |
312-447-3251 |
Martha.Younger-White@chicagolighthouse.org |
The Neighborhood Alliance Inc |
1809 E 71st |
Chicago |
60649 |
Val Free |
Executive Director |
773-936-4293 |
vfree@thenna.org |
The Office LLC |
5812 W Chicago Ave |
Chicago |
60651 |
James Spearman |
President |
708-514-6831 |
The William Everett Group |
35 East Wacker Drive Suite 3100 |
Chicago |
60601 |
David Schwab |
Program Manager |
312-391-0433 |
d.schwab@wegrp.com |
TwentyEleven |
2532 W Warren Blvd,Ste 10 |
Chicago |
60612 |
Vanessa Rhodes |
Chief Executive Officer |
312-608-9046 |
vrhodes@twentyelevenconstruction.com |
3605 W Fillmore |
Chicago |
60624 |
Camilla Johnson |
Government Grants and Contracts Manager |
773-290-5849 |
camilla.johnson@ucanchicago.org |
United States Hispanic Leadership Institute |
431 S Dearborn St Ste 1203 |
Chicago |
60605 |
Tammy Deavours |
Acting Executive Director |
312-427-8683 |
tdeavours@ushli.org |
Universal Housing Solutions CDC |
5820 W. Chicago Ave., 2 |
Chicago |
60651 |
Phyllis Logan |
Executive Director |
708-612-8518 |
ploganuhscdc@gmail.com |
VAS Networking Services |
9449 So Kedzie Ave #293 |
Evergreen Park |
60805 |
Valerie Silas |
708-690-4464 |
vasNETservices@gmail.com |
Village of Bolingbrook |
375 W Briarcliff Rd |
Bolingbrook |
60440 |
Essam Choudhary |
Chair, Bolingbrook Complete Count Committee |
773-688-9105 |
essamc@live.com |
Voices of West Englewood |
5719 S Winchester |
Chicago |
60636 |
Gloria Williams |
Founder |
773-567-1805 |
gloria1965williams@gmail.com |
Westside Health Authority |
5417 W Division |
Chicago |
60651 |
Emily Ferry |
Policy Coordinator |
773-786-0249 |
eferry@healthauthority.org |
YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago |
1030 W Van Buren St |
Chicago |
60607 |
Denise Lam |
Chief Operating Officer |
312-932-1265 |
dlam@ymcachicago.org |
Youth Outreach Services |
2411 W Congress Pkwy |
Chicago |
60612 |
Ashley Velchek |
Director of Revenue Growth and Partnerships |
773-777-7112 |
ashleyv@yos.org |
YWCA Metropolitan Chicago |
1 N LaSalle Ste 1150 |
Chicago |
60602 |
Angela Accurso |
Coordinator Public Affairs |
312-762-2716 |
angela.accurso@ywcachicago.org |