A Safe Haven Foundation |
2750 W Roosevelt Rd |
Chicago |
60608 |
Monique Caston |
Director of Grants |
773-435-8422 |
mcaston@asafehaven.org |
ACA Illinois |
5 S Wabash Ave Ste 1406 |
Chicago |
60603 |
Colette Marquardt |
Executive Director |
312-332-0833 |
colette@acail.org |
Agudath Israel of Illinois |
3542 W Peterson Ave |
Chicago |
60659 |
Shlomo Soroka |
Rabbi |
312-254-7543 |
ssoroka@agudathisrael-il.org |
American Indian Center |
3401 W Ainslie St |
Chicago |
60625 |
Heather Miller |
Executive Director |
773-275-5871 |
hmiller@aicchicago.org |
Carlop Marketing Productions Inc |
5842 N Medina Ave |
Chicago |
60646 |
Jose Alfredo Lopez |
President |
773-218-9800 |
alfredolopez@uscmp.com |
Center for Community Academic Success Partnerships |
16234 Prince Dr |
South Holland |
60473 |
Barbara Harris |
Executive Director |
708-582-1801 |
harriswoodard@gmail.com |
Chicago Citywide Literacy Coalition |
641 W Lake St Ste 200 |
Chicago |
60661 |
Becky Raymond |
Executive Director |
312-690-4253 |
becky@chicagocitywideliteracy.org |
City of Berwyn |
6700 W 26th St |
Berwyn |
60402 |
Claudia Ayala |
Administrative Manager |
708-749-6432 |
cayala@ci.berwyn.il.us |
Community and Family Partners and Development |
16224 Ellis Ave |
South Holland |
60473 |
Jason Woodard |
Director |
312-307-4518 |
jwoodardcp@gmail.com |
Cornerstone Community Development Corporation NFP |
943 Et Lincoln Hwy |
Ford Heights |
60411 |
Angelia F Smith |
Executive Director |
708-758-2565 |
afsmith@fhcsoi.org |
Hope Charities, Inc |
20300 Governors Hwy |
Olympia Fields |
60461 |
Oliver Akano |
President |
773-368-3499 |
oakano@gmail.com |
Illinois Action for Children |
4753 N Broadway Ste 1200 |
Chicago |
60640 |
Maria Whelan |
President and CEO |
773-769-8011 |
whelanm@actforchildren.org |
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights |
228 S Wabash Ave Ste 800 |
Chicago |
60604 |
Alice Cottingham |
Census Manager |
708-609-9981 |
alicecottingham@gmail.com |
J.A.M Enterprise of IL, Incorporated |
418 S Cicero |
Chicago |
60651 |
Johnny A. Martin |
President and CEO |
312-471-5574 |
jam.onit75@yahoo.com |
Kenneth Young Center |
1001 Rohlwing Rd |
Elk Grove Village |
60007 |
Sherrine Peyton |
Division Director, Community Collaboration & Public Resource Development |
847-502-7613 |
sherrinep@kennethyoung.org |
Metropolitan Mayors Caucus |
233 S Wacker Dr #800 |
Chicago |
60660 |
Kyle Smith |
Director of Housing and Community Development |
312-201-4507 |
ksmith@mayorscaucus.org |
New Horizon Center |
6737 W Forest Preserve Ave |
Chicago |
60634 |
Maria Sarno |
Program Director |
773-286-6226 |
Msarno@newhorizoncenter.org |
Proviso-Leyden Council for Community Action Inc |
411 Madison |
Maywood |
60153 |
Bishop Dr. Claude Porter |
President and CEO |
708-450-3506 |
bishopporter@plcca.org |
Special Olympics Illinois |
605 E Willow St |
Normal |
61761 |
Cindy Villafuerte |
309-888-2551 |
cvillafuerte@soill.org |
UIC Jane Addams Center for Social Policy and Research |
1640 W Roosevelt Rd |
Chicago |
60608 |
Joseph Strickland, PhD |
Associate Director |
312-413-2303 |
jstric3@uic.edu |
Village of Maywood |
40 W Madison St |
Maywood |
60153 |
David Myers |
Director of Community Development |
708-450-4429 |
dmyers@maywood-il.org |