Reasonable Pace Proposal

Reasonable Pace Proposal

May 3, 2019

Pursuant to Paragraph 23 of the Ligas Consent Decree, Reasonable Pace will be measured based on the number of individuals in the "Seeking Services" category of the PUNS list who Enter Service under the Waiver during a 12-month period (which will be measured by Fiscal Year, July 1-June 30). "Enter Service" means those who have begun receiving services under the Waiver (Home-Based or CILA), as reported by the ISCs. This figure (600 and 630 per year as set forth below) is not dependent on the date on which the individual was selected from PUNS but may include individuals from any previous PUNS selection who enter service during the reporting period. This figure also does not include individuals who enter services through a Crisis determination, consistent with Paragraph 21 of the Ligas Consent Decree.

PUNS selections will be conducted annually. Approximately six months prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, individuals and/or guardians who are anticipated to be in the selected group will be provided notification of their likely upcoming selection to encourage early planning. In addition to the annual PUNS selection, if, six-months post selection, the responses to the selection letters are below the anticipated targets, the Division will conduct a second PUNS selection to fill the unused targeted capacity.

PUNS selections will be tailored such that by the FY2025 selection, no individual will wait on PUNS for over 60 months. For individuals who are added to the PUNS list before their 18th birthday, the 60-month period will begin when the individual turns 18.

For Fiscal Year 20 the Division agrees to serve a minimum of 600 individuals selected from the PUNS list. For FY20 only, this figure will include individuals selected from PUNS who are currently receiving Home Based services, but who are seeking CILA placement. In Fiscal Years 21 through 25, the Division agrees to serve a minimum of 630 individuals from the PUNS list each year. However, for this period, individuals selected from the PUNS list who were receiving Home-Based services at the time of selection and who move to CILA services will not be counted toward the 630 minimum. By December 31, 2019, the State and Class Counsel will determine the process for individuals seeking to move from Home-Based services to CILA services with reasonable promptness In addition, the Division agrees to serve an average minimum of 630 individuals from the PUNS list for the years FY20-FY22, such that no fewer than 1,890 individuals will be served for that time period.

The actual number of individuals served will increase during this period as the targeted maximum wait time is reduced as noted below. However, these maximum wait targets are based on current PUNS data, and may fluctuate to some extent over the next few years, with the exception of FY25, in which the maximum will be 60 months.

  • FY20: Initial Yearly Selection will be based on a maximum wait of 76 months;
  • FY21: Initial Yearly Selection will be based on a maximum wait of 70 months;
  • FY22: Initial Yearly Selection will be based on a maximum wait of 64 months;
  • FY23: Initial Yearly Selection will be based on a maximum wait of 63 months;
  • FY24: Initial Yearly Selection will be based on a maximum wait of 61 months;
  • FY25 Initial Yearly Selection will be based on a maximum wait of 60 months.

The Division will include Reasonable Pace data and data related to people seeking to move from Home-Based to CILA in the semi-annual Ligas Reports.