Access to Medication Assisted Recovery (AMAR) Progress Reports

A goal of the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery is to increase access to Medication Assisted Recovery (MAR) in areas of the state that are "MAR deserts", having no current access to any of the three evidence-based opioid treatment medications. At the beginning of FY19 there were 1.5 million people living in Illinois counties that had no local access to MAR; our goal is to reduce the number of people without access to 500,000 by the end of FY19. This goal will be addressed by granting funds to 5 geographic sites to implement integrated MAR service networks, by supporting increased practitioner training to provide opioid use disorder treatment, and through ongoing technical assistance in learning collaborative sessions focused on improving clinical and program practices.

Progress Reports

FY21 AMAR Progress Report (pdf)

FY20 AMAR Progress Report (pdf)

FY19 A-MAR progress report (pdf)