Intergovernmental Support Services - GRF

BY20 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund

Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Contractual - Leased Property Mgmt. $42,259.3 $42,259.3 $42,259.3
EDP - DoIT Services $55,009.7 $55,009.7 $19,895.0 $74,904.7
EDP - Integrated Eligibility System Support $16,000.0 $16,000.0 $16,000.0
CMS Fleet Management $2,026.8 $2,026.8 $2,026.8
CMS Graphic Design Mgmt. $56.7 $56.7 $56.7
Subtotal $115,352.5 $115,352.5 $19,895.0 $135,247.5
Total Appropriation $115,352.5 $115,352.5 $19,895.0 $135,247.5
BY Adjustments Description Amount
EDP - DoIT Services Annualized cost of Retirement at 54.29%,
Group Insurance at $24,000 per person,
IES maintenance and delayed maintenance of DHS IT systems