Disability Determination Services - All Funds

BY20 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds

Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Personal Services $35,753.4 $35,753.4 $35,753.4
Retirement $18,453.8 $18,453.8 $956.7 $19,410.5
Social Security $3,347.1 $3,347.1 $3,347.1
Group Insurance $11,040.0 $11,040.0 $11,040.0
Subtotal $68,594.3 $68,594.3 $956.7 $69,551.0
Contractual $11,601.8 $11,601.8 $11,601.8
Travel $198.0 $198.0 $198.0
Commodities $379.1 $379.1 $379.1
Printing $384.0 $384.0 $384.0
Equipment $1,600.9 $1,600.9 $1,600.9
Telecommunications $1,404.7 $1,404.7 $1,404.7
Op of Automotive $0.1 $0.1 $0.1
Subtotal $15,568.6 $15,568.6 $15,568.6
Services to Disabled Individuals (495) $25,000.0 $25,000.0 $25,000.0
Subtotal $25,000.0 $25,000.0 $25,000.0
Total Appropriation $109,162.9 $109,162.9 $956.7 $110,119.6
BY Adjustments Description Amount
Retirement Annualized cost at rate of 54.29% $956.7