Mental Health Grants & Program Support - All Funds

BY20 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds

Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Personal Services $5,107.5 $5,107.5 $5,107.5
Retirement $326.3 $326.3 $16.8 $343.1
Social Security $391.1 $391.1 $391.1
Group Insurance $168.0 $168.0 $168.0
Subtotal $5,992.9 $5,992.9 $16.8 $6,009.7
Contractual $1,291.5 $1,291.5 $1,291.5
Travel $100.5 $100.5 $100.5
Commodities $22.1 $22.1 $22.1
Equipment $8.9 $8.9 $8.9
Telecommunications $173.6 $173.6 $173.6
Subtotal $1,596.6 $1,596.6 $1,596.6
NAMI $180.0 $180.0 ($180.0)
MH Psychotropic Drugs $1,881.8 $1,881.8 $1,881.8
Community Transitions & System Rebalancing $44,592.9 $44,592.9 $2,000.0 $46,592.9
MH Evaluation Determination, Disposition $1,200.0 $1,200.0 $1,200.0
Supportive MI Housing $15,915.8 $15,915.8 $15,915.8
MH Grants, Transitions, SOF, & SMHRF $129,819.7 $129,819.7 $129,819.7
MH Treatment (148) $3,000.0 $3,000.0 $3,000.0
MH Grants (365) $1,300.0 $1,300.0
DHS Community Services (509) $15,000.0 $15,000.0 $15,000.0
DHS Federal Projects Fund (592) $16,036.1 $16,036.1 $16,036.1
Medicaid- Mental Ill/Kid Care (718) $92,902.4 $92,902.4 $92,902.4
MH Block Grants (876) $23,025.4 $23,025.4 $23,025.4
MH Block C&A (876) $4,341.8 $4,341.8 $4,341.8
Subtotal $347,895.9 $347,895.9 $3,120.0 $351,015.9
Total Appropriation $355,485.4 $355,485.4 $3,136.8 $358,622.2
BY Adjustments Description Amount
Retirement Annualized cost at rate of 54.29% $16.8
NAMI Discontinue Grant funding ($180.0)
Community Transitions
& System Rebalancing
Williams annualization and New placements $2,000.0
MH Grants (365) Request appropriation authority for MH Home Based Services,
previously funded from DD Payments to Providers for Care 365 fund appropriation