May 22, 2019 Planning and Grants Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Planning and Grants Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


May 22, 2019, 9:00a.m. to 10:30a.m.


  • 401 S Clinton
    4th Floor Conference Room
    Chicago, IL
  • Call In: 888-494-4032
    Code: 5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Fiscal Updates--YTD FY19 Spending
  5. FY2020 NOFO Business
    1. JJC Recommendations
    2. JJ YSP Recommendations
  6. FY2020 Non- Competitive NOFOs
  7. Old Business
  8. New Business
  9. Legislative Updates
  10. Public Comment
  11. Next Meeting:
    P&G Meeting 07/17/2019 9:00am
    401 S. Clinton St., 1st Floor
  12. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order:
    Meeting was called to order at 9:40am
  2. Roll Call
    Present at meeting: Julie Biehl, George Hill, Lisa Jacobs, George Timberlake, Rodney Ahitow.
  3. Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve by Judge Timberlake; second by Julie Biehl. Minutes approved.
  4. Fiscal Updates--YTD FY19 Spending; postponed discussion.
  5. FY2020 NOFO Business:
    Lisa Jacobs explained that several scorers had been assigned to review NOFO proposals and had met to discuss findings and reach an agreement on recommendations as to which would receive funding this coming year. Commissioner Rick Velasquez is Director of Youth Outreach services and recused himself from reviewing, scoring or discussing the Youth Serving Program proposals. Ms. Jacobs presented the scoring team recommendation as follows:
    1. Juvenile Justice Youth Serving Program Recommendations: Commissioner Jacobs provided a brief summary of each proposal & presented the reviewer's recommendations. All approvals will be given the additional condition that they receive training & technical assistance with Racial & Ethnic Disparities.
      DuPage County received a recommendation to fund. George Timberlake moved to adopt funding recommendation; Ms. Jacobs seconded. Motion was put to a vote & approved. (Lisa Jacobs informed the Commission that a portion of the grant to this program will go to Loyola University who is also her employer. She affirms she has no direct affiliation with the persons involved nor will any of the funding go to the Law School or her department.)
      Kane County did not receive scores to merit a recommendation for funding. Ms. Jacobs provided explanation to the satisfaction of the commissioners present. Recommendation NOT to fund will be presented to full commission.
      Midwest Youth Services (Morgan County) received scores to merit a recommendation to fund but scorers recommended at less than the requested amount. Judge Timberlake moved to accept recommendation; Ms. Jacobs seconded. Motion approved.
      National Youth Advocacy Program received scores to recommend funding by scorers at the requested amount. Motion made by George Timberlake; seconded by Julie Biehl. Motion approved.
      Youth Services Bureau of Illinois Valley did not receive scores to merit a recommendation for funding. Support will be provided to this area via many other funded programs in the same target area to provide benefits. Recommendation NOT to fund will be presented to commissioners.
      DeKalb County received scores to recommend for funding at the requested amount by the reviewers. Judge Timberlake moved to accept recommendation; Ms. Jacobs seconded. Motion passed.
      SGA Youth & Family Services did not receive scores to merit a recommendation for funding. There were no questions from commissioners present. Recommendation NOT to fund will be presented to Full Commission.
      Youth Outreach Services: It was noted that Director of YOS, Commissioner Rick Velazquez was not present for the discussion, was not a part of the review or scoring process. Reviewers gave this proposal high scores and recommended funding at the requested amount and made an additional recommendation for additional funds if YOS will agree to expand program and accept more clients in order to provide their services to a larger population. Possible new NOFO discussed to create a program that serves youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors at an earlier step in the justice system in order to allow for treatment and avoid a permanent record and sex offender registry. This will be further explored with experts in the field. Commissioner Hill pointed out that tracking of success of program may be called for. Judge Timberlake suggested U of I-CPRD may be available to monitor and evaluate the success of program.
      Judge George Timberlake moved to accept recommendation for funding at $65,000 and up to $100,000 pending discussion with YOS; Julie Biehl seconded; motion passed.
      West Side Health Association proposal for funding received scores from scorers to merit a recommendation for funding. Motion to adopt recommendation made by Judge Timberlake; Seconded by Lisa Jacobs. Motion passed.
      Commissioner Rick Velazquez was now invited to join the meeting. Dana Weiner also joined the meeting.
    2. Juvenile Justice Council Recommendations: Commissioner Lisa Jacobs gave a brief overview of each  proposal highlighting any special circumstances or issues prior to each vote. 
      DeKalb County JJ Council: Recommendation to fund at requested level was made by those who  reviewed and scored this proposal. Commissioner Velazquez made a motion to adopt the scorer's
      recommendation; Judge Timberlake seconded; Motion passed by all commissioners  present
      Kane County JJ Council: After review and discussion by scorers, they recommend funding at less  than the requested amount in order to avoid duplication of training services that are currently already available. Motion made by Commissioner Velazquez to adopt recommendation; second  by George  Timberlake; Motion passed
      Midwest Youth Services (Morgan County): Funding was recommended by reviewers at  requested  amount only if a close review of Juvenile Justice Council and Youth Serving Programs budgets can  confirm there will be no overlap or double billing of agency expenses. Motion made by George  Timberlake to approve; seconded by Rick Velazquez; motion passed
      Commissioner Ben Roe joined meeting.
      St. Clair County: Reviewers of the proposal recommend funding at a higher amount than what agency  requested in order to ensure the employment and retention of a high-quality council coordinator. Commissioners present agreed this was an acceptable reason. George Timberlake moved to  approve funding; Rick Velazquez seconded the motion; motion passed. 
      Due to time constraints and absent any public comment, motion was made to adjourn meeting and  move on to Full Commission meeting as most Commissioners were now arriving.
  6. FY2020 Non- Competitive NOFOs
  7. Old Business
  8. New Business
  9. Legislative Updates
  10. Public Comment
  11. Next Meeting:
    P&G Meeting 07/17/2019 9:00am
    401 S. Clinton St., 1st Floor
  12. Adjourn
    Meeting adjourned.