D - Teen REACH Logic Model

Bureau of Youth Intervention Services (BYIS)
Program Manual FY20 - V. Program Specific Logic Models

D. Teen REACH - Logic Model

GOAL:  The goal of the Teen REACH program is to expand the range of choices and opportunities that enable, empower and encourage youth to achieve positive growth and development, improve expectations and capacities for future success, and avoid and/or reduce risk-taking behavior.

ELIGIBILITY: At-risk children and youth ages 14 to 23 with minimum 85% of youth 11-17.


  • Funding
  • 50% FTE - TR Coordinator
  • eCornerstone & data entry
  • Technical Assistance and Monitoring
  • Staff training
  • Quarterly Performance Measure Evaluation
  • Community Resource Assessment
  • Criminal Background and CANTS checks on personnel; volunteers etc.
  • Local Agency Evaluation (self-developed annual surveys to youth and parents - to assess objectives and developmental assets)
  • Program Standards
  • Agency Specific Program Policies and Procedures
  • Signed linkage agreements with each school in which youth are enrolled
  • Teen REACH policy and procedures manual.


  • Tutoring, homework time/help
  • Career and College exploration
  • Alcohol and substance use/abuse awareness programming
  • Sexual activity and pregnancy prevention programming
  • Anger management programming
  • Conflict resolution skill development
  • Decision-making and problem solving skill development
  • Provide opportunities for parent involvement
  • Include Parents in the development of program activities designed to meet the needs of their child
  • Child and adolescent development classes for parents
  • Communication skill development for parents
  • Provide opportunities for positive family activities
  • Programming that offers physical activities and skill development
  • Nutritional education and healthy lifestyle choices
  • Activities that teach sportsmanship
  • Cultural enrichment activities
  • Provide positive adult role models
  • Mentoring opportunities
  • Service-Learning opportunities
  • Activities that stress Youth Voice
  • Civic engagement activities
  • Job readiness skills
  • Snacks/meals for program youth


  • Operate a year round (12 months) out-of-school time program.
  • Operate the program during the highest crime hours of 3:00 to 6:00 pm
  • Provide a safe environment with caring adults
  • Target at-risk youth 11 to 17 years of age.
  • Conduct activities in all 6 Core Service Areas:
    1. Improve Educational Performance
    2. Life Skills Education
    3. Parental Involvement
    4. Recreation, Sports, Cultural and Artistic activities
    5. Positive Adult Mentors
    6. Service Learning Activities


  • Youth will be safe from violence during program hours 
  • Increased school attendance
  • Increased physical activity
  • Increased health and nutritional knowledge
  • Increase year to year academic promotion rate
  • Increased homework completion
  • Increased grades
  • Increased decision making skills in the following areas:
    • Alcohol and substance use/abuse
    • Early sexual activity and pregnancy
    • Anger management and conflict resolution


  • Youth will be graduated from high school
  • Youth will be enrolled in post-secondary education and/or employed
  • Youth will have increased resiliency to high risk behaviors
  • Increased physical health