IV. Provider and FCRC Meetings

A. Before the Meeting:

(FCRC & Provider) Designate a representative to attend the meeting held in-person at the FCRC or via telephone conference with FCRC agreement.

  1. The Provider must send the FCRC Employment and Training Participant List (Form 4333) that includes the name and the appropriate information of each customer the Provider serves at least 3 work days before the meeting.Indicate if an in-depth discussion is needed.
  2. Indicate if a more in-depth discussion of customer progress or lack thereof is needed.
  3. If fewer than 5 customers are scheduled for a staffing on the designated day, determine if the meeting will be held in-person or by telephone conference.
  4. Provider will notify other interested parties 3 workdays before the meeting.
  5. The FCRC within 2 workdays of receipt of Form 4333 is to:
  • Verify the customer's status and eligibility in IES for continued participation with the Provider.
  • Resolve any discrepancies between the Employment and Training List and FCRC information before the meeting

B. Regular Staffing

  1. (Provider) Before the meeting:
    1. Completes Change Progress Report (Form 2151A) with the customer's assigned activities, number of hours of participation per month, and level of progress.
    2. Attaches Form 2151A to Form 4333 for each customer on the list and sends to the FCRC. Maintains a copy to refer to during the meeting.
  2. At the meeting (in-person or via telephone conference), reviews the customer's case information and any related background information each has on the customer.
  3. Include any changes recommended as a result of the meeting in the customer's SNAP E&T Employability Plan. (FCRC & Provider)
  4. Scan and upload any staffing documents into the Electronic Case Record (ECR). (FCRC)
  5. Maintains a copy of the staffing documents for their records. (Provider)

C. Full Staffing (in-depth discussion)

  1. Before the meeting, completes an Employment and Training Staffing (Form 4334) and sends with Form 4333 to the FCRC. (Provider)
  2. At the meeting, review the progress reports for each customer identified on Form 4333 as needing an in-depth review and decide the appropriate next steps for the customer.  (FCRC & Provider)
    • Hold an in-depth discussion about each customer who is having problems progressing.
    • Discuss the appropriateness of current activity and new strategies to improve customer participation
    • Review all resources available to the customer; and
    • Share information which may be unknown to the other party at the meeting.
  3. Reach a decision on the appropriate next steps for the client. (FCRC & Provider) 
  4. Schedule a follow-up meeting with the customer.  (FCRC or Provider)
  5. Complete and sign Form 4334.  (FCRC & Provider)
  6. Check the appropriate boxes in Section A to show all services provided to the customer.  (Provider)
  7. Indicate in Section B any recommended changes in the customer's SNAP E&T Employability Plan (Form 2839).  (FCRC)
  8. Check the appropriate box in Section C to indicate case status.  (FCRC)
  9. Scan and upload staffing documents into the ECR.  (FCRC)
  10. Maintains a copy of the staffing documents for their records.  (Provider)

D. Mediation Process

Notify the Provider Manager and Regional Employment and Training Liaison within 2 workdays of Family Community Resource Center and Earnfare Provider disputes with specific content of the day of dispute's occurrence, location, who was in attendance and what the matter is concerning.  (Provider)

It is advisable to ensure that the Program Manager, the Bureau Chief and the Regional Administrator are cc'd on the dispute.