I. Introduction

The Department contracts with contracted Providers for employment and training services for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and other low income TANF Program related individuals who need assistance with developing job skills necessary for obtaining employment and becoming self-sufficient.

All work eligible TANF customers are required to work or participate in work-related activities, or barrier-reduction activities to overcome barriers to employment. Exempt customers may voluntarily participate in these activities. Activities are highly structured, monitored and documented for meeting accountability requirements. Providers are required to record actual hours of participation, track activities by type or code for each customer, identify countable activities and maintain records required to verify each customer's performance and outcomes.

Key components of the documentation process include individual case files that contain case notes, verification of enrollment in work and training activities, notes on case management visits, customer contacts and interviews, documentation of outreach efforts to re-engage non-complying customers and reconciliation attempts, documentation of visits to work sites, copies of written agreements with employers and copies of Weekly Attendance and Activity reports that contain clear, complete and accurate information regarding the customer's participation in assigned activities.

For customers approved by the Family Community Resource Center (FCRC) staff for participation in education programs, the Provider will obtain documentation of the student's progress. Individual files will contain case management notes from the Provider, progress reports from the educational institution and recommendations regarding the appropriateness of the program for the customer. Copies of the student's grades may also be a part of the documentation process.

Providers are required to consult with the appropriate FCRC for a course of action, when a customer demonstrates behaviors that impede their ability to successfully participate in work and training activities. The discussion/consultation may be conducted via telephone or in a face-to-face exchange and may or may not involve the customer.

Each customer's performance and participation in work and training activities will be reported to DHS by electronically submitted Weekly Attendance and Activity reports. These reports cover a calendar week (Saturday through Friday) and are transmitted by the close of business on Tuesday of each week. The Provider is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of information provided on the report, may be required to make corrections as deemed necessary by DHS staff and may be required to supply additional/supportive documentation.

***All Provider contracts must go through the GATA/NOFO process.  For more information, please contact your Provider Manager.

Contracted Work and Training Providers

Agencies contracted to provide work and training activities are responsible for the overall case management of customers assigned to core and non-core work and training activities. These agencies or grantees, referred to as Providers, are responsible for securing appropriate work experience, community service and educational opportunities for customers. The contracted work and training Providers are responsible for securing documentation from assigned work and training site supervisors, that verify customers' daily hours or attendance, and for submitting this information weekly to the Department. These agencies are also responsible for placing a percentage of customers assigned into unsubsidized employment. Contracted work and training Providers may also provide Job Search and Job Readiness activities. Services provided by contracted work and training providers are monitored by Department staff. All services must be in compliance with the Department's TANF Work Verification Plan.

Provider Manager Work and Training Staff

The Department's Provider Manager E&T staff, through monthly case management visits, provides additional monitoring and tracking of customers activities. The purpose of these visits are to review and discuss; customer case files, compliance with attendance, work site requirements, progress toward gaining employment skills and obtaining unsubsidized employment.