Youth Intervention Services Program Manuals - FY20

  1. Introduction/Definition
    This document serves to provide additional requirements, guidance and forms necessary to implement the programs within the Bureau of Youth Intervention Services (BYIS) and serves as the Program Manual to the Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) Uniform Grant Agreement (UGA), formerly Community Services Agreement, and Uniform Inter Governmental Agreement (UIGA). This Program manual provides program implementation requirements beyond and in addition to those in the Agreement and applies to the programmatic areas of BYIS.
    The Bureau of Youth Intervention Services (BYIS) implements several programs throughout the state in partnership with local communities and community based organizations to ensure the safety of youth, to support families in crisis, prevent juvenile delinquency, to encourage academic achievement and to divert youth at risk of involvement in the child welfare, and juvenile justice systems. BYIS provides support to the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission and the Illinois Redeploy Oversight Board.
  2. Program Services
    The following is an overview of service programs funded within the Bureau of Youth Intervention Services (BYIS). The provider will provide the service program(s) specified in the UGA or UIGA in accordance with the UGA or UIGA exhibits, BYIS Program Manual and corresponding Program Application/Plan and Budget.
    1. Comprehensive Community Based Youth Services (CCBYS)
      The Comprehensive Community-Based Youth Services (CCBYS) program was created by a 1982 state statute (20 ILCS 505/17) and serves youth, ages 11-17, and their families when appropriate, who are at risk of involvement with the child welfare and/or the juvenile justice system. This includes runaways, lockouts, unaccompanied homeless youth as well as youth beyond the control of their parents. The program is a statewide network of supports and services that ensure eligible youth access to needed community, prevention, diversion, emergency and independent living services. The primary purpose of CCBYS is providing youth in high risk situations, and their families, with a continuum of services according to their needs with the overreaching goal of family preservation, reunification and/or family stabilization. CCBYS services are delivered by community agencies throughout the state.
    2. Homeless Youth (HY)
      The Homeless Youth program serves those youth who are 14 to 24 years of age who cannot return home and/or lack the housing and skills necessary to live independently. The program strives to meet the immediate survival needs of youth (food, clothing, and shelter) and to provide services that help homeless youth transition to independent living and become self-sufficient. Services provided are emergency shelter, outreach and transitional living. These services are available to youth in these programs include: housing, food, needed goods, and assistance in obtaining and maintaining available entitlements supports and services, educational services, life skills/independent living skills, employment and/or vocational training.
    3. Release Upon Request (RUR)
      The Release Upon Request (RUR) program serves youth 12-17 years of age who have been ordered released from the Cook County Temporary Juvenile Detention Center, but who remain there because a parent, guardian or custodian has failed to accept custody. This program is available only in Cook County and only for non-wards. The purpose of the RUR program is to ensure that youth are removed from detention within 24 hours of referral. Once that is accomplished, the focus of the program turns to efforts to reunify the family.
    4. Teen Reach (TR)
      Teen REACH (Responsibility, Education, Achievement, Caring and Hope) provides services to at-risk youth between the ages of 6 and 17. The purpose of the program is to expand the range of choices and opportunities that enable, empower and encourage youth to achieve positive growth and development, improve expectations and capabilities for future success and avoid and/or reduce risk-taking behavior. Teen REACH services are delivered by community-based agencies throughout Illinois.
    5. Redeploy Illinois (RI)
      Redeploy Illinois funding gives counties the financial support to provide comprehensive services to delinquent youth, ages 13 to 18, in their home communities instead of sending youth to the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice (IDJJ). The funds provided to the Redeploy Illinois sites help fill the gaps in the existing continuum of programs and services for delinquent youth, allowing counties to cost effectively serve youth locally and reduce their reliance on IDJJ. Prior research provides solid evidence that community-based services for delinquent youth are more effective and less expensive than a sentence to secure confinement for a certain profile of youth offenders who are deemed likely to benefit from such services, since the cost of community-based programs is lower than the cost of incarceration. Through Redeploy Illinois, counties can link each youth to a wide array of needed services and supports within his or her home community, as indicated through an individualized needs assessment. Services are provided in the least restrictive manner possible, and include, but are not limited to, case management, court advocacy, education assistance, individual, family and/or group counseling, and crisis intervention.
    6. Title II Juvenile Justice Formula Grants Program 
      This federally funded program is authorized under Sections 221-223 of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) Act and is conditioned upon compliance with 4 core requirements of the JJDP Act:
      1. deinstitutionalization of status offenders;
      2. sight and sound separation of juveniles from adult offenders;
      3. jail removal; and
      4. reducing disproportionate minority contact.
        The program supports state and local efforts to plan, establish, operate, coordinate, and evaluate projects directly or through grants and contracts with public and private agencies for the development of more effective education, training, research prevention, diversion, treatment, and rehabilitation programs in the area of juvenile delinquency and programs to improve the juvenile justice system. The Title II Program places a strong emphasis on the use of data and evidence in policy making and program development, and on the implementation of evidence-based practices. Projects funded under this program must address one of the following program areas:
        • Aftercare/Reentry - Programs to promote successful return to the community after incarceration
        • Alternatives to Detention - Community-based alternatives to secure confinement
        • Child Abuse and Neglect Programs - Prevention based programs for victims of child abuse and neglect
        • Compliance Monitoring - Programs to monitor state compliance with core requirements of the JJDP Act
        • Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) - Reducing DMC as a core requirement of the JJDP Act
        • Gender-Specific Services for Female Juvenile Offenders
        • Transportation/Jail Removal Grants - To maintain state compliance with core requirements of the JJDP Act
        • Juvenile Justice System Improvement - Programs and research to examine issues and improve juvenile justice system practices, policies or procedures
        • Mental Health and Substance Abuse Programs
        • Sex Offender Programs - Programs and research around best practices for juvenile sex offender treatment
        • Youth Advocacy - Activities focused on improving services, enhancing engagement and protecting rights of juvenile justice involved youth
    7. Westside Health Authority - Community Wellness Project
      Community Wellness In-Home Visitation Project/Good Neighbor Campaign will provide coordinated non-clinical, in-home wellness visits, case management, and crisis intervention services as well as make referrals for wraparound support services to the target population. The populations targeted include Seniors, Single parent households, 1st time pregnant females, Returning Citizens to the community (Adults and youth returning from secure confinement), and high risk disengaged youth (youth ages 16-24 that are not employed or enrolled in school), and low income family/households. Those eligible for services must also be a resident of Chicago living within a 50 block radius of zip code 60651 and 60644. This program seeks to ensure that the health and social needs of these at-risk individuals are being adequately addressed by qualified health and social service providers, and are connected to their communities
    8. National Girls Initiative Juvenile Justice Reform for Girls Collaborative
      DHS is one of five nationwide recipients of collaborative agreement funds provided by Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to work with girls involved in or at risk of involvement in the Juvenile Justice System. The initiative is designed to develop and implement innovative, community-based, trauma-informed, and developmentally appropriate demonstration initiatives that are gender and culturally responsive and promote the development of girls and their individual connections. Domestic battery charges are a key driver of girls' involvement in the Illinois juvenile justice system. Girls are detained for domestic battery at nearly twice the rate of other offenses. There are inadequate age-appropriate, family-centered alternatives to arrest, detention or formal system involvement for these youth and families. This collaborative will bring together state and local stakeholders to develop a plan to 1) address trauma among girls in the Adolescent Domestic Battery (ADB) population; 2) formalize coordination among human services, child welfare, local justice systems and service providers; 3) improve the range and efficacy of community-based responses to girls at risk of arrest, detention and system involvement for ADB; and 4) measure the impact on the involvement of girls and their families in the juvenile justice, child welfare and / or criminal justice systems.
    9. Community Youth Employment Program
      The Community Youth Employment Program (CYEP) is a year round grant program that requires a holistic approach to unsubsidized employment for at-risk transition-age youth (16-24). The approach accounts for the youth's physical, emotional, social, and mental health needs while helping them to secure and sustain employment and achieve higher education ensuring a greater likelihood of success and self-sufficiency. In an effort to foster healthy, safe, well-educated, and self-sufficient transition-age youth in Illinois this year round grant program will provide eligible youth with educational enhancement opportunities, full and part-time job placements, and case management services that will include life skills, counseling and work readiness for both in-school and out-of-school youth. Each program provides case management, supportive services, work readiness skills training; career education that is focused on Illinois' targeted industries and career clusters; job placement and targeted employment opportunities for all youth.
    10. Special Projects
      Special Project contracts provide services to Illinois citizens when special needs are identified. Programs are negotiated individually. Services may be restricted to target populations, specified communities or geographic areas.
  3. Applicable Rules and Statutes
    The Provider shall provide services as set forth in the pertinent portions of the FCS Program Manual and shall act in accordance with all state and federal statutes and administrative rules applicable to the provision of the services, including, but not limited to the following:
    1. Federal Rules
      1. 42 CFR 430 et seq.: Medicaid provisions of Title XIX of the Social Security Act and its rules
      2. 42 CFR 431.300 - 431.307: Medicaid provisions of Title XIX of the Social Security Act and its rules, specifically provisions regarding "Safeguarding Information on Applicants and Recipients"
      3. 45 CFR Part 16: Procedures of the Departmental Grant Appeals Board
      4. 45 CFR 74 and 45 CFR 75: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provisions regarding Administration of Grants
      5. 45 CFR 260: General Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Provisions
      6. 2 CFR 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards
    2. Federal Statutes
      1. 20 U.S. Code 1431: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part C
      2. 20 U.S. Code 6301: Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, Title IV
      3. 22 U.S. Code 7102 et seq.: Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act
      4. 42 U.S. Code 290aa et seq.: Public Health Service Act
      5. 42 U.S. Code 11431 et seq.: McKinney Vito Act of 2011
      6. 42 U.S. Code 5101 et seq.: Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1996
      7. 42 U.S. Code 5601 et seq.: Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act
      8. 42 U.S. Code 10401 et seq.: Family Violence Prevention and Services Act
      9. 42 U.S. Code 13701 et seq.: Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994
      10. 42 U.S. Code Chapter 7, Subchapter V, Section 701: Authorization of Appropriation
      11. 42 U.S. Code Chapter 147:  Prison Rape Elimination Act
    3. Executive Orders
      Illinois Administrative Code
      ILL Constitution (1970 act. 1, sec. 17, Fair Employment Practices)
      SAMS (Section 11) (pdf)- Expenditure Authority
      ( (pg.392)
      SAMS Procedure 15.20.95 (pdf) - Contract Signatures
      ( (pg.665)
    4. State Rules: Title 77 Illinois Administrative Code
      1. Part 2030: Award and Monitoring of Funds
    5. State Rules: Title 89 Illinois Administrative Code
      1. Part 130.200: Administration of Social Service Programs, Domestic Violence Shelter and Service Programs
      2. Part 300: Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect
      3. 300.90: Timeframes for the Investigation
      4. 300.150: Referrals for Serves
      5. Part 310: Delivery of Youth Services Funded by the Department of Human Services
      6. Part 313: Community Services
      7. Part 334: Administration and Funding of Community-Based Services to Youth
      8. Part 401: Licensing Standards for Child Welfare Agencies
      9. Part 407: Licensing Standards for Day Care Centers
      10. 407.360: Medications
      11. Part 507: Audit Requirements of DHS
      12. Part 509: Fiscal/Administrative Recordkeeping and Requirements
      13. Part 511: Grants and Grant Funds Recovery
      14. Part 600: Interstate Compact for Juveniles
    6. State Statutes
      1. 5 ILCS 420/1-101 et seq: Illinois Governmental Ethics Act
      2. 5 ILCS 430 et seq: State Officials and Employees Ethics Act
      3. 20 ILCS 405/405-300 Civil Administrative Code of Illinois
      4. 20 ILCS 505/17: Children and Family Services Act
      5. 20 ILCS 1305: Department of Human Services Act
      6. 20 ILCS 2310/55.05: Civil Admin. Code of Illinois
      7. 30 ILCS 105/9.04: State Finance Act
      8. 30 ILCS 105/15a: State Finance Act
      9. 30 ILCS 50/1-1 et seq: Illinois Procurement Code
      10. 30 ILCS 435/15: Human Services provider Bond Reserve Payment Act
      11. 30 ILCS 500/1-15.60: Illinois Procurement Code
      12. 30 ILCS 500/20-80: Illinois Procurement Code
      13. 30 ILCS 540/1 et seq: State Prompt Payment Act
      14. 30 ILCS 575/0.01 et seq: Business Enterprise Program for Minorities, Females and Persons with Disabilities
      15. 30 ILCS 590/1 et seq: State Agency Employees Child Care Services Act
      16. 30 ILCS 708: Grant Accountability and Transparency Act
      17. 30 ILCS 705/1: Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act
      18. 225 ILCS 10: Child Care Act of 1969
      19. 225 ILCS 460/1: Solicitation for Charity Act
      20. 305 ILCS 5/4-12, 9-1, 12-4.5 through 12-4.7, and 12-13: Illinois Public Aid Code
      21. 325 ILCS 5: Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act
      22. 410 ILCS 210/3: Consent by Minor to Medical Procedure Act
      23. 705 ILCS 405: Illinois Juvenile Court Act
      24. 705 ILCS 405/6-12:  County Juvenile Justice Councils
      25. 705 ILCS 5/3-12-7: Unified Code of Corrections
      26. 720 ILCS 5/33E-9 Criminal Code
      27. 730 ILCS 110/16.1: Unified Code of Corrections, Probation and Probation Officers Act
      28. 750 ILCS 30: Emancipation of Minors Act
      29. 750 ILCS 60/227: Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986
      30. 760 ILCS 55/1: Charitable Trust Act
      31. 805 ILCS 5: Business Corporation Act
    7. Additional Certifications and Acknowledgements
      The following programs receive funding from a federal grant that requires additional certifications and acknowledgements:
      1. Juvenile Justice Title II Programs
        • Transportation
        • Domestic Battery
        • Juvenile Reentry
        • Disproportionate Minority Contact
        • Compliance Monitoring
        • Systems Improvement
        • Juvenile Justice Youth Serving Programs
        • Juvenile Justice Training, Technical Assistance and Support
        • Juvenile Justice Councils
        • PREA
      2. National Girls Initiative Juvenile Justice Reform for Girls Collaborative
        This section applies to the above programs and is in addition to certifications, assurances and statements found elsewhere in the UGA or UIGA. These additional certifications and acknowledgements are as follows: 
        1. Provider certifies that each education program or activity it operates will be conducted in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and that it does not discriminate on the basis of sex in employment or in the delivery of services or benefits. See 28 CFR §§54.115(a), 54.140(a). 
        2. Provider acknowledges that it may be subject to the nondiscrimination provisions in one or more of the following statutes: the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act (Safe Streets Act) of 1968, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §3789d(c); the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) of 1974, as amended; 42 U.S.C. §5672(b); the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) of 1984, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §10604(e). See also 28 CFR Part 42, Subpart D.
        3. Provider acknowledges that it must comply with the U.S. Department of Justice's regulations regarding an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (EEOP) (see 28 CFR Part 42, Subpart E. 
        4. Provider acknowledges that it will notify both its employees and program beneficiaries that they may file a complaint of discrimination directly with the Office for Civil Rights at the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, 810 7th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20531. 28 CFR §31.202(b)(3); Part 42, Subparts C, D, G, I; Part 54.
        5. Provider certifies that it will not discriminate either in employment or in the delivery of service or benefits based on actual or perceived race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability. Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, P.L. 113-4, § 3(b)(4), 127 Stat. 54, 61-62 (2013) (to be codified at 42 U.S.C. §13925(b)(13)); see also DOJ's Frequently Asked Questions, April 9, 2014, regarding it (available at
        6. Charitable Choice: Provider certifies that it is compliant with Department of Justice rules regarding Equal Treatment for Faith-Based Organizations, 28 CFR Part 38; and
        7. Provider acknowledges that it will complete the Federal Civil Rights Questionnaire annually and submit completed questionnaire to their DHS program contact.
  4. Program Specific Standards
    The following BYIS Programs have Program-Specific Standards that are referenced within the UGA/UIGA Exhibits. Those standards represent a set of directives as to how the particular program is to be implemented. These standards do not replace any directives outlined this BYIS Program Manual or the UGA/UIGA. They are instead in addition to those components of the contract.
    1. Comprehensive Community-Based Youth Services (CCBYS).pdf
    2. Teen REACH (TR).pdf
  5. Program Specific Logic Models
    The following BYIS Programs have Program-Specific Logic Models that represent a logical framework that will be used by BYIS to evaluate the effectiveness of the identified program model. These Logic Models depict the intended outcomes expected as a direct result of the Provider successfully implementing the Strategies and associated Activities. Providers will be held accountable for implementing the identified program Strategies a combination of 1) desk audits; 2) on-site reviews; and through program performance measures (found in the program specific Exhibits of the UGA or UIGA).
    These Logic Models do not replace any directives outlined this BYIS Program Manual or the UGA/UIGA. They are instead in addition to those components of the contract. The following programs have Logic Models depicted below:
    1. Comprehensive Community-Based Services CCBYs.pdf
    2. Homeless Youth.pdf (docx)
    3. Redeploy Illinois Logic Model.pdf
    4. Teen REACH Logic Model.pdf (docx)
  6. Program and Uniform Grant Budget Modifications
    If necessary, a provider may request a modification to the approved program plan and/or approved Uniform Grant Budget. Modifications or amendments to the program and/or budget must be submitted by the provider, in writing utilizing the appropriate form below, and are subject to approval by BYIS prior to formally submitting the revision in the CSA system.
    1. Program Plan Modifications
      • Providers are not allowed to make program plan modifications without pre-approval. Program plan revisions include items such as those that would impact the service delivery model, changes to the specific services offered, numbers of youth to be served, service delivery sites, changes in sub-contractors or their services, deliverables, days open, etc. Modifications not needing pre-approval include staffing changes.
    2. Uniform Grant Budget Modifications
      • Please refer to 2 CFR 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. Providers are allowed to transfer funds within their approved budget without pre-approval from the Department provided that in no circumstance does the amount per line item being revised increase or decrease 10% or more from the original approved budget OR $1,000, whichever is greater. In such case, a uniform grant budget modification request must be submitted in writing to the Bureau for pre-approval.
        Once the Bureau pre-approves the revision request, the provider will enter the proposed revision into the CSA system to be officially approved. Upon approval, DHS program staff will update the Approved Budget tab on the Periodic Fiscal Report for submission with their next monthly expenditure report.
        Budget revision request forms are included with each Periodic Fiscal Report. Per Article 6.2 of the Uniform Grant Agreement, expenditure of funds under a required budget revision is prohibited and will not be reimbursed if expended before DHS gives written approval. 
  7. Department Responsibilities
    The Department will respond to the needs of the Provider as required within the full scope of the Agreement.
  8. Support Services
    Utilization of Community Resources: It shall be the responsibility of each provider to coordinate the services provided through the project with other sources of care in the community, such as:
    1. DHS Local Area Offices
      • Providers will develop and maintain collaborative working relationships with local Family and Community Resource Centers (FCRCs). This includes sharing information about employment opportunities and regularly participating in regional service provider meetings or events.
    2. Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice
    3. Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
    4. Local probation departments
    5. Local mental health agencies
    6. Local schools
    7. Local substance abuse providers
    8. Other related social services agencies
    9. Local law enforcement agencies
  9. Grant Funds-Use Requirements
    1. All applicants will use grant funds according to the guidelines, conditions and parameters set forth in this funding notice and in compliance with federal statutes, regulations and the terms and conditions of any applicable federal awards.
      Please refer to 2 CFR 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, PART 200 Subpart E - Cost Principles to determine the appropriateness of costs.
      1. Allowable costs:
        Allowable costs are those that are necessary and reasonable based on the activity(ies) contained in the Scope of Work, are justified in the Budget Narrative, and are allowable under Subpart E of 2 CFR 200. Funding allocated under these grants is intended to provide direct services to youth. It is expected that administrative costs, both direct and indirect, will represent a small portion of the overall program budget. Any budget deemed to include inappropriate or excessive administrative costs will not be approved. Program budgets and narratives must detail how all proposed expenditures are necessary for program implementation. 
      2. Unallowable costs
        Please refer to 2 CFR 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, PART 200 Subpart E - Cost Principles to determine the appropriateness of costs. In addition, and specific to this grant, the following costs will be unallowable without specific prior written approval from DHS:
        1. Entertainment costs, except where specific costs that might otherwise be considered entertainment have a programmatic purpose and are authorized in the approved budget (2 CFR 200.438)
        2. Capital expenditures for general purpose equipment, including any vehicle regardless of cost, buildings, and land (2 CFR 200.439)
        3. Capital expenditures for improvements to land, buildings, or equipment which materially increase their value or useful life (2 CFR 200.439)
        4. Food, and other goods or services for personal use of the grantee's employees, contractors, or consultants of the grantee unless authorized as per diem under the State of Illinois Governor's Travel Control Board (2 CFR 200.445).
        5. Deposits for items, services, or space
      3. Limitation of Use of Award funds for Employee Compensation: With respect to any award over $250,000, recipients may not use federal funds to pay total cash compensation to any employee that exceeds 110% of the maximum annual salary payable to a member of the Federal Government's Senior Executive Service (SES) at an agency with a Certified SES Performance Appraisal System for that year. A salary table is available at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management website
      4. Indirect cost requirements 
        In order to charge indirect costs to this grant, the applicant organization must have a Federal or State annually negotiated indirect cost rate agreement (NICRA) or must elect to use the De Minimis Rate.
        Every organization that receives a FY2020 state award must make an indirect cost rate proposal or election in the Crowe Activity Review System (CARS), including organizations that are choosing not to claim payment for indirect costs. CARS URL: 
        Indirect Cost Rate Election: 
        1. Federally Negotiated Rate. Organizations that receive direct federal funding, may have an indirect cost rate that was negotiated with the Federal Cognizant Agency. Illinois will accept the federally negotiated rate. The organization must provide a copy of the federal NICRA as Attachment 2.
        2. State Negotiated Rate. The organization must negotiate an indirect cost rate with the State of Illinois if they do not have Federally Negotiated Rate or elect to use the De Minimis Rate.
        3. De Minimis Rate. An organization that has never received a Federally Negotiated Rate may elect a De Minimis rate of 10% of modified total direct cost (MTDC). Once established, the De Minimis rate may be used indefinitely. The State of Illinois must verify the calculation of the MTDC annually in order to accept the De Minimis rate. It is critical that program budgets accurately calculate the MTDC base. Please see the regulation below and note the exclusions to MTDC.
          2 CFR § 200.68 Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC).
          MTDC means all direct salaries and wages, applicable fringe benefits, materials and supplies, services, travel, and subawards and subcontracts up to the first $25,000 of each subaward or subcontract (regardless of the period of performance of the subawards and subcontracts under the award). MTDC excludes equipment, capital expenditures, charges for patient care, rental costs, tuition remission, scholarships and fellowships, participant support costs and the portion of each subaward and subcontract in excess of $25,000. Other items may only be excluded when necessary to avoid a serious inequity in the distribution of indirect costs, and with the approval of the cognizant agency for indirect costs. 
      5. "No Rate": Grantees have discretion not to claim payment for indirect costs. Grantees that elect not to claim indirect costs cannot be reimbursed for indirect costs. The organization must record an election of "No Indirect Costs" into CARS. 
        Crowe Activity Review System (CARS).
        CARS will allow your organization to document your already established federally approved indirect cost rate, complete an indirect cost rate proposal (see State Negotiated Rate above), elect to charge the De Minimis rate (10%) of modified total direct costs (MTDC), or select that no reimbursement of indirect costs will be requested. Submission requirements are located on page 2 of the Uniform Budget Template as well as 2 CFR 200 Appendices IV, V & VII.
        1. Organizations which have not previously made an indirect cost rate election must submit an election (and indirect cost rate proposal, if necessary) immediately and no later than 3 months after receiving an award notification or invitation to the CARS system.
        2. Organizations that have previously established an indirect cost rate election must submit a new indirect cost rate election immediately and no later than 6 months after the close of their organization's fiscal year.
        3. Every organization must make an indirect cost rate election in CARS even if the organization is choosing De Minimis Rate or "no rate". Organizations that do not make an election or submission inside the CARS system within the required timeframes will not be allowed to claim indirect cost reimbursement.
        4. For more information, see
      6. Indirect & Direct Administrative Costs 
        Funding allocated under these grants is intended to provide direct services to youth. It is expected that administrative costs, both direct and indirect, will represent a small portion of the overall program budget. Program budgets and narratives must detail how all proposed expenditures are directly necessary for program implementation and must distinguish between Indirect/Direct Administrative and Direct Program expenses. Any budget deemed to include inappropriate or excessive administrative costs will not be approved. At no time may the approved negotiated indirect cost rate agreement (NICRA) be exceeded. Documentation will be required to verify the approved NICRA.
        Please refer to the Program Exhibits of the UGA for information regarding any restrictions or caps on indirect costs.
        In order to charge indirect costs to a grant, agencies must have an annually negotiated indirect cost rate agreement (NICRA) or elect to charge the De Minimis Rate.
    2. Administrative costs
      It is expected that administrative costs, both direct and indirect, will represent a small portion of the overall program budget. Program budgets and narratives will detail how all proposed expenditures are directly necessary for program implementation and will distinguish between Indirect/Direct Administrative and Direct Program expenses. Any budget deemed to include inappropriate or excessive administrative costs will not be approved. At no time may the approved NICRA be exceeded under this agreement. Documentation will be required to verify the approved NICRA.
      1. Some grant programs have a CAP on indirect costs. Please refer to the Program Exhibits found in the UGA.
  10. Billing Instructions
    Providers shall use the following methodology to document the use of these funds:
    1. The Provider shall provide summary documentation by line item of actual expenditures incurred for the purchase of goods and services necessary for conducting program activities. The Provider shall use generally accepted accounting practices to record expenditures and revenues as outlined in DHS Rule 509, Fiscal Administrative Recordkeeping and Requirements.
    2. Expenditures shall be recorded in the Provider's records in such a manner as to establish an audit trail for future verification of appropriate use of Agreement funds. Expenditure documentation shall be submitted, in a format defined by the Division of Family and Community Services, to the Department on a monthly basis, within 15 days after the end of each calendar month.
    3. The Provider shall utilize the appropriate expenditure documentation forms and follow the corresponding instructions for completion and submission. Links to these forms can be found below in Section XII.
    4. The Provider shall submit the required monthly, quarterly and final Expenditure Documentation & Certification Forms by email to:  with the Program Name/Acronym; Contract number and Month in the Subject Line. If there are any questions, please contact the Bureau at: 217-557-2943. Forms and instructions can be found at the link below in Section XII.
  11. Program Monitoring
    The Provider will provide the Department with requested monitoring and evaluation information and understands that the Department will monitor, audit, and evaluate service and records. Reporting will be as required by the Bureau and will be conducted to ensure compliance with all applicable Laws, Rules etc. as well as contract requirements. Particular attention will be paid to service delivery and program specific performance measures/standards. Please refer to the program specific "Exhibits" in the UGA/UIGA for additional detail. Monitoring may include but is not limited to:
    1. On site visits to providers including inspection of client files, fiscal records, and interviews with program staff, contractors, probation staff, county and municipal law enforcement, judges etc.
    2. Telephone monitoring of service via contacts with providers and a sample of youth and families receiving service.
    3. Compliance and Performance Measure reviews.
    4. Periodic audits.
    5. Unannounced visits.
    6. Desk Reviews.
  12. Program Reporting
    1. Minimum Required Reports
      1. The Provider will submit monthly expenditure documentation forms in the format prescribed by the Department. The expenditure documentation forms must be submitted no later than the 15th of each month for the preceding month by email. 
      2. Quarterly Narrative and Performance data reports will be submitted by email in the format prescribed by the Department, no later than the 15th of the month immediately following the quarter for the preceding quarter. 
      3. Year-End Financial, Narrative and Performance Data reports will be submitted by email in a format prescribed by the Department, no later than 30 days following the end of the fiscal year.
      4. Additional annual performance data may be collected as directed by the Department and in a format prescribed by the Department.
    2. Additional Program Specific Required Reports
      1. For providers required to utilize the eCornerstone data system:
        Quarterly data reports will be pulled from the eCornerstone data system on or after the 15th of each month. Providers must ensure all youth referred to and served in the program are entered into the Departments eCornerstone data system as required to ensure accurate reports.
        The following programs are required to enter continuous client/program and service specific data into the Web-based eCornerstone system. Please refer to the program specific "Exhibits" of the UGA/UIGA for more detailed instructions and timelines. The eCornerstone programs are:
        1. Comprehensive Community Based Youth Services
        2. Release Upon Request
        3. Teen REACH
        4. Redeploy Illinois
        5. Homeless Youth
      2. For providers required to utilize the Illinois workNet data system:
        Quarterly data reports will be pulled from the Illinois workNet data system on or after the 15th of each month. Providers must ensure all youth referred to and served in the CCBYS program are entered into the Departments Illinois workNet data system as required to ensure accurate reports.
        The following program is required to enter continuous client/program and service specific data into the Illinois workNet system. Please refer to the program specific "Exhibits" of the UGA/UIGA for more detailed instructions and timelines.
        1. Community Youth Employment Program
      3. The above program providers are also required to ensure that staff utilizing the eCornerstone or Illinois workNet systems have access to a computer with the following minimum specifications:
        • Windows XP or Windows 7
        • 300 MHZ processor or faster
        • At least 128 MB of RAM
        • At least 1.5 gigabytes (GB) of available space on the hard disk
        • Requirements not related to the operating system include: Internet Explorer 8; Internet access, preferably high-speed; Email capability; Microsoft Word & Microsoft Excel.
        • In addition, programs are required to stay current with all new software releases, service packs and updates.
      4. The following Programs may be required to provide service provision survey data once per Year on September 1st for the preceding fiscal year:
        • CCBYS
        • Homeless Youth
        • Teen Reach
        • RUR
        • Redeploy
        • CYEP
    3. Annual Program Application/Plan
      All programs within BYIS are required to submit an Annual Program Application/Plan each year. For programs not exempt under 30 ILCS 708 (GATA) the Annual Plan or Application will be made available through a competitive Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Annual Program Plans for Programs exempt from 30 ILCS 708 (GATA) will be due in April/May of each year for the upcoming program year. Annual Program Application/Plan guidance and submission instructions will be made available to providers through the same process as the NOFO posting and will be posted 30 days prior to the submission due date each year. Please refer to the program specific "Exhibits" for additional program content.
    4. Uniform Grant Budget
      All programs within BYIS are required to submit a Detailed Uniform Grant Budget each year along with their Program Application/Plan. The Uniform Grant Budget will be due on the same timelines as the Program Application/Plan above. Please refer to the program specific "Exhibits" for additional instruction regarding the program Uniform Grant Budget. Providers agree to establish and utilize a budget approved by the Provider's Board of Directors. Please refer to CSA Budget Information and Instructions below. 
  13. CSA Budget Information & Instructions
    For information regarding CSA.
    1. How to register for the CSA Tracking System
      1. You will need a functioning ID and password
      2. If you do not have an ID you will need obtain one at the following web link:
        • Please note: Choose General Public (Not employed by the State of Illinois) [EXTERNAL] even if you are a State of Illinois employee. Your CSA registration will not be validated if you choose Other Employees [SPS].
        • If you do not have a State of Illinois driver's license, please email your request to with the following information: Name, Company, Address, Phone Number, DUNS number, FEIN, and email address.
      3. The address for the CSA Tracking System Registration Site is:
      4. You will need to input an Invitation Key Code in order to submit your request for CSA Tracking System access. If you do not have an Invitation Key Code, send an email to to receive your Invitation Key Code.
        Please register only once with your ID. IDHS Grantee-Providers may have more than one employee register for the CSA Tracking System access. Once your registration is processed by the Office of Contract Administration personnel you will receive instructions on how to log into the Provider Access Area. After you successfully log in to the CSA Tracking System there may be a facilities page that will appear (if you are a new IDHS Provider) where you will need to enter your facilities information into the CSA Tracking System.
        Please note: In order to access your IDHS Uniform Grant Agreements/EEC Contracts you will also need to ensure your organization has registered for access to the Centralized Repository Vault (CRV). If your organization has not registered for CRV access you will not be able to view your contracts. Please use the following web link to access the CRV Registration web page: Central Repository Access (CRV).
        • Confidentiality Notice - The Grantee-Provider shall comply with applicable State and Federal statutes, Federal regulations and Department administrative rules regarding confidential records or other information obtained by the Provider concerning persons served under this Agreement. The records and information shall be protected by the Provider from unauthorized disclosure.
          After registering for CSA, you must submit a budget for July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020. Your budgets can be entered at this link If you have any questions
          about your budget you can email
  14. How to create a budget in CSA
    To access the IDHS Training Manual for use of the Budget Templates in the CSA System
  15. Uniform Grant Budget
    Complete the Uniform Grant Budget in the CSA system. For more information about how to access the CSA system, see For instructions about how to enter a budget into the CSA system see the Training Manual for use of the Budget Templates in the CSA System. For EACH cost item listed in the budget worksheet, a detailed justification must be included in the narrative section. This justification should describe specifically how the budgeted amount was derived. The justification must also directly correlate the expenditure to the grant program - why/how it is necessary under the grant. Items being cost allocated must be fully detailed as to the method utilized. The Budget should be electronically signed and submitted in the CSA system. The budget must be electronically signed by the applicant's Chief Executive Officer and or Chief Financial Officer. See for more information about requesting CSA budget signoff authority.
  16. Sub-Contractor PDF Uniform Grant Budget Forms
    Complete the PDF version of the Uniform Grant Budget for Sub-Contractor budgets ONLY! Sub-Contractor Budgets found at this link. (pdf)