June 21, 2019 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Meeting


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


  • Friday, June 21st, 2019
  • 11:00am to 1:00pm


This meeting will be conducted at the Hyatt Lodge at McDonald's Campus, Oak Brook, IL.


  1. Call to order/Roll call
  2. DHS updates
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Redeploy Youth Services Training and Technical Assistance (ICOY) FY20 funding decision
  5. FY20 Redeploy program and policy changes discussion/decisions
  6. Changes to Redeploy legislation discussion/decisions
  7. Adjourn

Upcoming meetings/events:

  • Site visit to 13th Circuit: Thursday, June 27th, 2019
  • RIOB Full Board Meeting: Friday, July 19th, 2019
  • RIOB Executive Committee Meeting: Friday, August 16th, 2019

Meeting minutes

  1. Call to order/Roll call: Karrie Rueter, Chair, welcomed the Board to the meeting and the roll was taken.
    Board members present: Janet Ahern, Betsy Clark, Mary Ann Dyar, Sam Gaddy (for Heidi Mueller), Peter Parry, Karrie Rueter, Mary Reynolds, Pam Rodriguez, Tracy Senica, Anne Studzinski, Jason Steele, Judge George Timberlake, and Paula Wolff
    Staff: Garien Gatewood, Erica Hughes, Kristen Marshall, Steve Sawyer, and Olivia Wilks
  2. DHS updates
    Ms. Rueter stated that the contract process was underway and Redeploy contracts were on track to take effect on July 1st.
  3. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the RIOB meeting on Friday, April 19th were reviewed.
    Motion: Paula Wolff made a motion to approve the minutes. Janet Ahern seconded the motion
    Decision: Motion carried.
  4. Redeploy Youth Services Training and Technical Assistance (ICOY) FY20 funding decision:
    The contract for training and technical assistance with the Illinois Collaboration on Youth was reviewed.
    Motion: George Timberlake made a motion to approve the FY20 ICOY budget for $315,000.00. Anne Studzinski seconded the motion.
    Decision: Motion passed. Rick Velasquez abstained from voting.
  5. FY20 Redeploy program and policy changes discussion/decisions
    The Board discussed the need for changes in the Redeploy Illinois program given the changes in Illinois law and practice. Fewer youth are eligible for commitment to IDJJ due to changes in policy and law, and therefore fewer youth are eligible for Redeploy services. It was also pointed out that current Redeploy sites have maintained low commitment numbers to DJJ, well below base-lines for an extended period of time. The Board concluded that the focus of the program should shift from commitment reduction to youth outcomes. Pam Rodriguez summarized the discussion by saying that it is an opportune time to recalibrate the juvenile Redeploy program.
    Motion: Ms. Rodriguez made a motion that the Board, with staff support, develop a plan to recalibrate the program that addresses the following points:
     - Implement a policy, that penalties would not be imposed until grantees were given the opportunity to implement program changes approved by the Board to address the compliance issue.
     - Develop continuity for sites by defining what maintenance of effort means and consider adjustments to the baseline.
     - Encourage new sites to join Redeploy Illinois by explaining changes to law and practice that make it easier to participate in the program
     - Create an initiative that focuses on increased alternatives to detention, in counties that rely on detention.
     - Develop and measure positive outcomes for all youth served
    Janet Ahern seconded the motion.
    Decision: Motion passed
    Program participant eligibility
    The Board reviewed recent changes it had made regarding youth eligibility for the program. Since the beginning of the program, youth charged with murder and forcible Class X-level offenses were not eligible for Redeploy services. Recently, some sites were interested in serving Class X forcible felony offenders on a case-by-case basis. Earlier in the year, the Board determined that certain programs, under certain circumstances, could serve misdemeanor populations. The Board discussed shifting the emphasis on participant eligibility to allow sites, both current and future, to serve any youth with medium or high-risk level based on whatever the referring instrument is to the program. The reduction requirement will be based on the primary eligible population. All youth must receive services and data collected and submitted by the sites and results would be reported to the Board. Sites would have to adhere to all parameters of the Redeploy Program for all youth served.
    Motion: Betsy Clarke made a motion to expand the criteria for eligibility of youth for the Redeploy Program to include Class M and Class X forcible felonies, pre-adjudicated, and misdemeanor populations. Ms. Studzinski seconded the motion.
    Decision: Motion passed
    Program eligibility
    The Board has also discussed expansion of the Redeploy Program into the seven counties that currently, commit an average of 10 or more youth to IDJJ. They want to develop a strategic outreach plan, using Board members to start communicating with key stakeholders in targeted areas. It was pointed out that while considering program changes, the Board should consider what may impact outreach efforts, and what changes may encourage target sites to apply for funding.
    Youth Assessment
    The Board has had ongoing discussions around the use of YASI and the collaborative efforts between probation and Redeploy service providers. During the past several months, probation departments have been shifting away from the YASI to the Juvenile Risk Assessment tool. Beginning in July 2019, they will no longer be using the YASI, which is required in Redeploy and all other youth services programs at the Department of Human Services. Therefore, two criminogenic screening tools will be used to determine Redeploy eligibility and assist in case planning. The Board was briefed on studies that show that It is inappropriate to conduct two assessments measuring the same thing (risk of re-offending) at the same time. In addition, the focus of the Redeploy Program is shifting to youth outcomes making the use of a criminogenic risk assessment inappropriate and unhelpful in case planning. The Board concluded that the program needs an assessment tool focused on determining the high needs of youth and that can be used for case planning. However, the Board also decided it needs more information on various screening and assessment tools before choosing a tool that would be the most appropriate for Redeploy clients.
    Motion: Ms. Rodriguez made a motion to fund a youth risk assessment study based on the points raised in the discussion to determine the best assessment strategy for Redeploy youth and consider best practices for all youth. Judge Timberlake seconded the motion.
    Decision: Motion passed
    Detention alternatives
    Recent discussions about the drastic reduction in commitments to DJJ has led to the Board's interest in serving youth being detained in county detention centers. Close analysis of the Redeploy statute has led to the conclusion that these youth could be served with Redeploy Illinois funds. Given the nature of detention and how it differs from commitment to DJJ, the Board wants further discussion to determine the best approach.
    Motion: Ms. Studzinski made a motion to create a workgroup to plan for a detention alternative initiative. Ms. Rodriguez seconded the motion.
    Decision: Motion passed
    Electronic monitoring/Drug testing practices
    In reviewing site applications for FY 2020, Board members expressed concerns about the use of electronic monitoring and drug testing among current Redeploy sites. In discussion, they recognized that electronic monitoring (EM) is an alternative to secure detention, it is still restrictive. They expressed concerns about how effectively it is being used. Board members wished to explore what additional alternatives might be available and would consider discontinuing funding electronic monitoring (EM). The Board's concern about drug testing, had to do with fund sources. In some sites, all probation youth are subject to random drug testing as a condition of probation, whether or not they are in the Redeploy program. The Board objected to Redeploy funds supplanting local funds or Medicaid or private insurance funds that pay for drug testing. There was also a concern that multiple sources might be charged for the same drug testing. The RIOB asked staff to conduct a provider survey on the use of electronic monitoring and drug testing. They pushed this discussion to the next Board meeting in the hopes of having more information before deciding to place parameters around the use of electronic monitoring and drug testing.
    Future planning meetings
    The Board decided to continue with two RIOB Planning meetings that follow Redeploy All Sites meetings each year in early summer and fall.
    RIOB membership
    Mr. Velasquez announced his retirement. Ms. Rueter stated that nothing precludes him from continuing to serve on the Board. The Board asked that staff add review of current membership requirements to the agenda for the next Board meeting.
  6. Changes to Redeploy legislation discussion/decisions
    After discussing potential changes to the program, there was consensus that there were no changes required of the statute at this time.
  7. Adjourn
    Ms. Studzinski made a motion to adjourn. Decision: Motion passed, meeting adjourned at 12:13pm.