May 10, 2019 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Meeting


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


Friday, May 10th, 2019

9:30am to 11:30am


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room


  1. Call to order/Roll call
  2. DHS updates
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. FY20 Redeploy funding decisions
    1. ICJIA Redeploy Program evaluation
    2. Program site applications
  5. June 2019 Planning meeting discussion
  6. Adjourn

Upcoming meetings/events:

  • All Sites Meeting: Tuesday, May 22nd (all day) and Wednesday May 23rd (half day) DoubleTree Hotel, Bloomington
  • RIOB Planning Meeting: Thursday, June 20th (all day) Friday, June 21st (morning) Hyatt Lodge at McDonald's Campus, Oak Brook
  • RIOB Meeting: Friday, June 21st 11:00 to 1:00. Hyatt Lodge at McDonald's Campus, Oak Brook


  1. Call to order
    The meeting was called to order at 9:37am.
  2. Roll call
    Board Members present: Karrie Rueter Anne Studzinski, Megan Alderden, Paula Wolff, Peter Parry, Garien Gatewood, Rick Velasquez, Tracy Senica, Rich Adkins, George Timberlake, Samantha Gaddy
    Guest: Lisa Jacobs
    Staff: Kristen Marshall, Erica Hughes, Olivia Wilks, Berenice Villalobos, Steve Sawyer
  3. DHS updates
    No updates were provided.
  4. Approval of Minutes
    Members reviewed the minutes for the April 26th, 2019 Oversight Board Meeting.
    Motion: Rick Velasquez made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 26th, 2019 Oversight Board Meeting. Paula Wolff seconded the motion.
    Decision: The board approved the minutes for the April 26th, 2019 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board meeting.
  5. FY20 Redeploy funding decisions
    The Board discussed FY20 funding for current programs.
    1. ICJIA Redeploy Program evaluation
      Karrie Rueter updated the RIOB on the progress of the program evaluation. Ms. Rueter indicated that the program data had been pulled from Ecornerstone and was organized by DHS IT to best allow for ICJIA to extrapolate relevant information. Erica Hughes said indicated that although DHS was currently waiting for the Secretary's office for final approval, ICJIA had moved forward with the beginning stages of the project. Megan Alderden stated that ICJIA currently has a team ready to review the Ecornerstone data upon the Secretary's approval.
      Ms. Rueter stated that because of the limited time remaining in this fiscal year, it was unlikely that ICJIA would be able to complete this project by the end of FY19. Therefore, Ms. Rueter reported that ICJIA would continue the evaluation into the next fiscal year in order to fulfill the deliverables of the evaluation. Ms. Rueter clarified that the initial $65,000 budgeted for the ICJIA evaluation would not be spent this fiscal year because most of the work would not be completed this fiscal year.
      Motion: Anne Studzinski made a motion for Redeploy to fund ICJIA to evaluate the Redeploy program in the fiscal year of 2020. Paula Wolff seconded the motion.
      Decision: The board moved to approve Redeploy to fund ICJIA to evaluate the Redeploy program in the fiscal year of 2020. Megan Alderden recused herself from this decision.
    2. Program site applications
      The Board reviewed the program site applications for each Redeploy site. 
      1. 4th Judicial Circuit:
        Board members discussed the application from the 4th Circuit.
        Motion: Rick Velasquez made a motion to approve the program site application for 4th Judicial Circuit. George Timberlake seconded the motion.
        Decision: The board approved the program site application for the 4th Judicial Circuit. 
      2. Winnebago County:
        Members discussed some of the different challenges Winnebago County faced. Ms. Studzinski asked if the application included reinstating the Day Reporting Center (DRC). Rich Adkins indicated that Winnebago has brought back the DRC, but it does not currently include evening hours.
        Mr. Velasquez discussed the fact that there is one service provider in Winnebago County and asked whether that provider had the capacity to meet all the diverse needs of youth in that county. The Board discussed the importance of providing a continuum of care. Olivia Wilks reported that Winnebago County is starting a Family Justice Center that is working to centralize all providers and could be an opportunity for Winnebago to diversify provider contracting.
        Peter Parry discussed the high usage of EJJ sentences in Winnebago County and emphasized that they were approaching their baseline for commitments.
        Motion: Judge Timberlake made a motion to approve the application from Winnebago County, contingent upon further discussion with Winnebago to expand the service providers contracted with to develop a full continuum of care. Mr. Parry seconded the motion.
        Decision: The board approved the application from Winnebago County, contingent upon further discussion with Winnebago to expand the service providers contracted with in order to develop a full continuum of care. Mr. Adkins abstained from this decision. 
      3. Macon County:
        Members reviewed the application from Macon County. Mr. Velasquez indicated that Macon County exhibited broad diversity of youth service providers within the application. Ms. Alderden asked for clarification around their target population and Ms. Rueter indicated DHS would follow up with Macon County.
        Motion: Ms. Wolff made a motion to approve the program application for Macon County. Mr. Velasquez seconded the motion.
        Decision: The board approved the program application for Macon County. 
      4. LaSalle County:
        Members reviewed the application from LaSalle County. Mr. Velasquez expressed concern with the low salary of the therapists in LaSalle County of $25,000. Additionally, Mr. Velasquez pointed out that there was, again, only one youth service provider contracted with. The board discussed that Youth Service Bureau may be one of the only providers locally, making diversification a challenge.
        Motion: Mr. Velasquez made a motion to approve the LaSalle County program application. Mr. Parry seconded the motion.
        Decision: The board approved the LaSalle County program application. 
      5. Madison County:
        Members reviewed the application from Madison County. Samantha Gaddy indicated that Madison County commits very few youth to DJJ.
        Motion: Judge Timberlake made a motion to approve the program application from Madison County. Ms. Gaddy seconded the motion.
        Decision: The board approved the program application from Madison County.
      6. 2nd Circuit:
        Members reviewed the application from the 2nd circuit. Ms. Studzinski expressed concern with the large increase requested by the 2nd Circuit. Ms. Hughes reported that the reason the 2nd Circuit requested more money was that they had been given permission to expand their population to serve youth charged with misdemeanors. Therefore, their projected target population increased from 15 youth to 100 youth. The board discussed concerns about net widening and ensuring the services aligned with the particular needs of youth.
        Motion: Ms. Velasquez made a motion to approve the 2nd Circuit application at FY19 levels with the possibility of increase in FY20 if need is demonstrated, Judge Timberlake seconded the motion.
        Decision: The board approved the 2nd Circuit application at FY19 levels with the possibility of increase in FY20 if need is demonstrated.
      7. 1st Circuit:
        Members reviewed the application from the 1st circuit. Ms. Alderden asked for clarification about the ways in which service providers collaborate with probation. Judge Timberlake reported that historically there was a lack of successful communication between Redeploy and probation in the county, but this was changing with new leadership.
        Ms. Studzinski reported that the 1st Circuit had asked for additional funding. Ms. Hughes indicated that this request for additional funding was, in part due to the 1st Circuit hiring multiple coordinators and expanding the services offered throughout the circuit.
        Motion: Mr. Velasquez made a motion to accept the program application for the 1st Circuit. Judge Timberlake seconded the motion.
        Decision: The board approved the program application for the 1st Circuit. 
      8. St. Clair County:
        Members reviewed the application from St. Clair County. Ms. Studzinski asked if changes in stakeholders had resulted in any changes in referrals or commitments. DHS staff indicated that they had not noticed changes at this point. Ms. Studzinski suggested monitoring use of detention in St. Clair with a particular focus on length of stay.
        Motion: Judge Timberlake made a motion to approve the application from St Clair County. Mr. Velasquez seconded the motion.
        Decision: The board approved the application from St Clair County.
  6. ICOY Contract
    Ms. Rueter asked the board to review ICOY's contract to ensure the board approved of continuing the technical assistance contract. Ms. Rueter indicated that this contract would be discussed in further detail at a future meeting but encouraged members to share their input with Ms. Hughes. Kristen Marshall stated ICOY requested additional funding for a trauma specialist.
    Ms. Rueter was called away from the meeting and Ms. Studzinski, Co-Chair, continued to chair discussions.
  7. IJJC- Lisa Jacobs
    Ms. Rueter returned to the meeting and introduced Lisa Jacobs from the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission (IJJC) who was present to discuss detention practices and data with the board. Ms. Jacobs indicated that Ms. Rueter, Judge Timberlake, Mr. Velasquez, Wendy Nussbaum, and herself had discussed the need to better understand the use of detention in Illinois. Specifically, Ms. Jacobs suggested that IJJC wanted to collaborate with Redeploy to collect data on detention and DJJ and to analyze state trends to inform joint initiatives. Ms. Jacobs proposed a meeting between IJJC and Redeploy members to review this data and consider partnership opportunities. The board agreed to Ms. Jacobs' proposition. Ms. Jacobs stated that IJJC's detention report would be ready to share in June. Mr. Velasquez suggested that this conversation could begin on June 20th at the Redeploy planning meeting. The board agreed with this suggestion. 
  8. June 2019 Planning meeting discussion
    Ms. Hughes stated that a subcommittee of members would be created to develop the agenda for the planning meeting. Mr. Adkins noted that he could not attend the planning meeting but would send a designee. 
  9. Adjourn
    The meeting was adjourned at 11:51am.