February 15, 2019 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Meeting


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


  • Friday, February 15th, 2019
  • 9:30am to 11:30am


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room


  1. Call to order/Roll call
  2. DHS updates
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. FY19 Expenditures/commitments/number served update
  5. Redeploy Focused 
    1. Focused update (ICOY/AOIC)
    2. Focused Application Review
    3. Redeploy Focused Funding Analysis/Reallocation
  6. 2nd Circuit proposal to serve youth under the Policy for Serving Pre-Adjudicated Youth & Youth Adjudicated on Misdemeanor Charges
  7. Redeploy Program evaluation update
  8. Data Work Group update 
    1. Redeploy User-Manual update
    2. System and individual outcomes update/discussion
  9. JMIS detention and IDJJ data update/discussion
  10. Redeploy expansion update
  11. Community Planning Grant Committee discussion/update
  12. Adjourn

Upcoming meetings/events:

  • Executive Committee Meeting: Friday, March 15th, 2019 9:30 to 11:30
  • RIOB Meeting: Friday, April 26th, 2019 9:30 to 11:30

Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to order/Roll call:
    The meeting was called to order at 9:35am.
    Karrie Rueter, George Timberlake, Rick Velasquez, Mary Ann Dyar, Pamela Rodriguez, Anne Studzinski, Peter Perry, Mary Reynolds, Rich Adkins, Samantha Gaddy for Heidi Mueller, Quinn Rallins for Paula Wolff.
    Staff: Steve Sawyer, Erica Hughes, Kristen Marshall, Olivia Wilks, Berenice Villalobos.
  2. DHS updates:
    Karrie stated that funding for all youth service programs is expected to be level. She indicated that DHS will release funding notices soon for FY2020 grants.
  3. Approval of Minutes:
    Motion: Mary motioned to approve the minutes for the December 14th meeting minutes. Rick seconded the motion.
    Decision: The board approved the minutes for the December 14th meeting minutes. 
  4. FY19 Expenditures/commitments/number served update:
    Erica indicated that most expenditure numbers were on track. Erica reported that St. Clair has had some delay in reporting expenditures. The board discussed EJJ (Extended Juvenile Jurisdiction) sentences and that Winnebago County has a large number of youth on EJJ who have had to serve their adult sentence. The board discussed whether a young person would be eligible for Redeploy services while serving an EJJ sentence.
    The board determined that they would be eligible unless they were serving the adult sentence because they would no longer be in juvenile court.
    Karrie stated that she is currently working with ICOY's trauma trainer, Eilene Ladson, to implement a trauma assessment tool to assess youth service providers and develop capacity for programs with the goal for them to become better trauma informed. She mentioned that ICOY is also helping organize trauma trainings throughout the state.
    Karrie stated that she expects to continue these training next year with a focus on CCBYS, Redeploy, Homeless youth, and Teen Reach sites. 
  5. Redeploy Focused: 
    1. Focused update (ICOY/AOIC):
      Olivia reported that there were no applications for Redeploy Focused. 
    2. Focused Application Review:
      Karrie stated Anne and Peter will be reviewing the Redeploy Focused application process. Rich stated that the current application process is very time consuming for sites. Rich suggested the application process be simplified. Rich suggested that Redeploy Focused contracts could be created for counties rather than individually.
      Anne stated that Redeploy needs to emphasize to sites that they use ICOY for more direct technical assistance for the application. Rick agreed that the application process is easier if sites are redirected through ICOY.
      Karrie stated that ICOY can be used by sites to help fill out the application. She stated it is crucial for sites to answer questions on whether youth are Redeploy eligible, and how sites are planning on serving youth.
      Pam asked to change the statute regarding the application and funding and suggested the changing of the statue be given to a workgroup to develop recommendations for the full board to consider. Karrie agreed and the workgroup will consist of Peter, Steve, Judge Timberlake, Pam, Betsey, Anne and staff.
    3. Redeploy Focused Funding Analysis/Reallocation:
      Karrie asked the board to decide whether or not to reallocate spending regarding ICOY's contract. Olivia stated that ICOY has not spent any of the $5,000 because of no applications being submitted. Karrie asked the board to decide whether to give ICOY the flexibility to spend the money on other things.
      Olivia stated this money could be put into ICOY's training budget to address additional training needs.
      Motion: Mary Anne motioned for the board to reallocate the $5,000 for Redeploy Focused to meet the training needs of ICOY. Anne seconded the motion.
      Decision: The board approved relocating the money to address additional training needs.
  6. 2nd Circuit proposal to serve youth under the Policy for Serving Pre-Adjudicated Youth & Youth Adjudicated on Misdemeanor Charges:
    Erica stated the proposal was the second draft that 2nd Circuit had submitted. Erica indicated that they report all of the requested information, met all of their performance measures, and for FY18 they discharged 15 youth with all 15 having initial data entry, case plans, and closing data entry. The board indicated that for future applications they will provide sites with a checklist and an application format. The board also discussed that this county does not have a consortium that oversees this program. Upon review of the proposal, there were questions and further information needed before approving the proposal.

    : Pam motioned for the executive committee to make a decision regarding the 2nd Circuit's proposal at the next March executive meeting. Judge Timberlake seconded the motion.
    Decision: The board approved having the executive committee make a decision on the 2nd Circuit's proposal at the March executive meeting. 
  7. Redeploy Program evaluation update:
    Karrie stated that the data sharing agreement procurement and contract are currently working their way through DHS. She stated data sharing took a while because there were a lot of requirements. Karrie mentioned the procurement will cross fiscal years.
  8. Data Work Group update: 
    1. Redeploy User-Manual update: No update was given on this matter.
    2. System and individual outcomes update/discussion: No update was given on this matter.
  9. JMIS detention and IDJJ data update/discussion:
    Judge Timberlake stated that with Susan retiring it has been difficult to get work done because no one has replaced her at CPRD.
    Quinn asked whether JMIS could distinguish between pre and post adjudication detention and the board discussed that is currently not available through JMIS. Erica stated there is pressure on Redeploy to expand the information it currently collects to make Redeploy more useful for all the sites. She mentioned she had a conversation with Madison county to collect detention data and Madison county said they would able to get detention data, but they were unable to provide detailed detention data for youth outside of their program.
  10. Redeploy expansion update:
    Karrie indicated that she has talked with Peoria about the possibility of coming back into the program. They would be able to do so without having to recompete. She stated that because Peoria was selected from the last competitive pool, they would only need to submit an application for FY20 without going through a planning grant. This application would be considered a renewal. Peoria is considering. 
  11. Community Planning Grant Committee discussion/update: No update was given on this.
  12. Adjourn:
    The meeting was adjourned at 11:41am.
  • The Executive Committee Meeting will be Friday, March 15th, 2019, 9:30 to 11:30am.
  • The RIOB Meeting will be Friday, April 26th, 2019, 9:30 to 11:30am.