MR #18.18: 2019 Irrevocable Prepaid Burial Limit

Illinois Department of Human Services
Healthcare and Family Services



  • The AABD cash and medical exemption for an irrevocable prepaid burial contract funded by trust is adjusted annually for any increase in the Consumer Price Index.
  • The exemption is increased from $6,402 to $6,562 effective 01/01/19.

Effective 01/01/19, the prepaid burial exemption for an irrevocable prepaid burial contract funded by a trust will increase to $6,562.

Use the increased $6,562 irrevocable prepaid burial fund exemption:

  • for all AABD cash and medical application decisions made effective 01/01/19; and
  • for all AABD cash and medical redeterminations made effective 01/01/19.

Manual Revisions:

[signed copy on file]

James T. Dimas

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services

Patricia R. Bellock

Director, Healthcare and Family Services