Illinois Department of Human Services
Division of Developmental Disabilities
Information Bulletin
The purpose of this Information Bulletin is to notify Division of Developmental Disabilities stakeholders throughout the system that agencies with a current approved training program will no longer be required to complete a DSP Two-Year Renewal Form (Checklist J IL462-1283) with IDHS.
New provider agencies to IDHS will still be required to complete Direct Support Persons (DSP Training Program Letter of Application: Checklist G (IL462-1280) with required supporting documents to seek an approved training program.
New provider agencies may use one of the following DSP training curricula; DHS classroom training, or one of the 4 approved online training programs: Southern Illinois University(SIU), Relias Learning, Infinitec, or College of Direct Support (Elsevieer) On-line. Previously, IDHS required a Two-Year Renewal Form be completed by agencies to update their training program and or personnel.
IDHS will no longer send Direct Support Person (DSP) Training Program Two Year Review: Checklist J (IL462-1283) to renew agencies DSP Training Programs. Agencies will be required to notify IDHS of the following changes when they occur:
- When agencies make changes to their DSP training program, they will notify IDHS by email and the effective date of the changes in their training process.
- If there are changes in personnel, (DSP instructor, QIDP departs), agency will notify the Division of those changes by email to
- If agencies want to add a DSP Instructor to their agency personnel list, a Direct Support Person (DSP) Training Program Instructor Qualification: Checklist I IL462-1282 and submit resume for review to
- If agencies need to remove a Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professional (QIPD) from the Divisions database, they must notify the Division by email at
Effective Date:
This change of notification will be effective upon notice received or November 1, 2018.