CILA Rates Annual Update - June 30, 2017

This data applies to CILA Model Rates, Program 60D only. For questions, please contact:

Department of Human Services

Division of Developmental Disabilities

Bureau of Community Reimbursement

600 East Ash St, Building 400, 2S Mail Drop

Springfield, IL 62703

Attention: George Bengel, Manager Waiver Rates Unit

Phone: (217) 782-0632

Fax: (217) 557-7251


This issue of the CILA Rates Update represents data through June 30, 2017.

Total Number of Current Rates (Approved and/or Placed)

Type of Rate Number of 24-Hour Rates Percent of Total Rates
24-Hour Rates 10,021 88.2%
Foster Care Rates 302 2.7%
Intermittent Care Rates 672 5.9%
Family Rates 365 3.2%

Total Number of Current

Rates Approved/Placed


Total Approved Annualized DHS Funding

Average Topline Rates Topline
24-Hour Rate $57,895
Foster Care Rate $55,239
Intermittent Care Rate $26,898
Family Rate $19,523
Total Annualized DHS Funding $580,166,602

Resident Support Need and Average Rates (24-HR and Foster Care Only)

Support Need Number of Rates Approved Percent of Total Average Topline Rate
Low (ICAP 70+) 667 6.5% $44,197
Moderate (40-69) 5,602 54.3% $54,531
High (1 - 39) 4,054 39.3% $64,600

Average Annual Residential Transportation Allowance Per Person (24-HR and Foster Care Only)

Non-Ambulatory $1,783 905 8.8%
Ambulatory $1,547 9,419 91.2%
Level Allowance Per Person Rates Percentage of Total
Average Annual Residential Transportation Allowance Per Person (24-HR and Foster Care Only) $1,538

Average Annual Administration Allowance Per Person (Fixed)

  • 24-Hour and Foster Care Only - $3,174
  • Intermittent and Family Only - $1,587

Night Shift Staff Sleep? (24-Hour and Foster Care Only)

  • "Yes" Asleep Staff at Night 1,216 (11.8%)
  • "No" Awake Staff at Night 9,107 (88.2%)

CILA Housing Capacity and Average Rates (24-Hour and Foster Care Only)

Home Capacity Number of Rates Percent of Total Average Topline Rate
1 Bed 92 0.9% $92,570
2 Bed 250 2.4% $64,868
3 Bed 429 4.2% $74,319
4 Bed 1,837 17.8% $66,139
5 Bed 902 8.7% $56,282
6 Bed 1,891 18.3% $55,238
7 Bed 864 8.4% $53,993
8 Bed 4,058 39.3% $53,441

Rates Approved by Region - All CILA Types Based on County Location

Greater Illinois Regions

Region Number of Rates Percent of Total Average Topline Rate
Central 1,169 10.3% $54,622
North Central 1,652 14.5% $55,968
Northwest 850 7.5% $54,111
Southern 1,819 16.0% $56,795
Total 5,490 48.3% $305,616,242

Metro Chicago Regions

Region Number of Rates Percent of Total Average Topline Rate
City of Chicago 1,184 10.4% $50,722
North Suburban 2,043 18.0% $53,885
South Suburban 2,645 23.3% $55,330
Total 5,872 51.7% $316,489,249

Model CILA Clients By Health Care Level (Nursing Services Packet) and Region

Greater Illinois Regions

Region Missing HCL 1 HCL 2 HCL 3 HCL 4 HCL 5 HCL 6 Average HCL
Central 19 375 410 239 72 46 8 2.15
North Central 14 506 582 294 133 83 40 2.28
Northwest 10 370 255 116 45 34 20 2.02
Southern 18 654 591 295 124 86 51 2.19
Region Total 61 1,905 1,838 944 374 249 119 2.16

Metro Chicago Regions

Region Missing HCL 1 HCL 2 HCL 3 HCL 4 HCL 5 HCL 6 Average HCL
City of Chicago 27 673 337 87 34 16 10 1.63
North Suburban 47 972 674 246 67 30 7 1.76
South Suburban 103 1,263 793 304 108 57 17 1.80
Region Total 177 2,908 1,804 6372 209 103 34 1.73