08.05.02 - Child Care Collaboration, Application Process

Effective Date: 09/24/04

Reference: 89 Ill. Adm. Code, Chapter IV, §50.620

Policy Statement:

  1. Approvable models of collaboration for the Child Care Collaboration Program include the following:
    1. Two or more center-based agencies. Collaborative arrangements between child care and Head Start or ISBE pre-kindergarten centers in which services are provided and children receive their care in one location.
    2. Early childhood providers and family child care homes or networks. Collaborative arrangements between child care and Head Start or ISBE pre-kindergarten programs using family child care homes and/or home networks in which services are provided and children receive their care in one location.
    3. One early childhood provider, two types of funding. Child care and Head Start or ISBE pre-kindergarten programs that receive the other type of funding to provide services and children receive their care in one location.
    4. Use of child care certificates. Collaborative arrangements in which Head Start or ISBE pre-kindergarten programs use the child care certificate system in which services are provided and children receive their care in one location.
  2. Approvable/Approved Child Care Collaboration Programs must demonstrate to the Department compliance with the qualifications outlined in Section 50.630(a) [of 89 Illinois Administrative Code] to be approved.
  3. Models of Child Care Collaboration that will not be approved under this Section include the following:
    1. Any arrangements using child care subsidy funding in which children move during the day and are served in more than one location; or
    2. Any collaborative arrangement using child care subsidy funding in which the provider cannot demonstrate the quality factors listed in Section 50.630(a) [of 89 Illinois Administrative Code].


  1. Application Process for Child Care Collaboration
    1. A child care provider who meets the eligibility and quality requirements outlined in 08.05.01 may obtain a Child Care Collaboration Designation application by contacting:
      1. The Child Care Resource and Referral Agency that covers the geographical location of the provider, or
      2. The IDHS Head Start State Collaboration Office at 618/583-2083.
    2. The Child Care Collaboration Designation application must be submitted to:

      IDHS Head Start State Collaboration Office
      10 Collinsville Ave.
      Suite 203
      East St. Louis, IL 62201
    3. The Head Start Collaboration Director will review the application and will notify applicants of their approval status within sixty (60) days of receipt of a completed application.
  2. Post Approval Process

    The procedures below outline the processes that must take place so that approved Child Care Collaborations and families are properly coded in the Child Care Tracking System (CCTS) and who bears the responsibility for each function.
    1. Head Start Collaboration Director/Springfield BCCD Responsibilities

      After a provider has been approved as a Child Care Collaboration, the Head Start Collaboration Director and Springfield BCCD will follow the procedures below to ensure each provider who is approved as a Head Start Collaboration is properly coded in the CCTS:
      1. The Head Start Collaboration Director will fax the completed Collaboration Program Indicator form to Springfield BCCD at (217) 785-9334, (attention:IDHS Certificate Specialist)
      2. Springfield BCCD will:
        1. Assign a unique CARS indicator to the approved Head Start Collaboration Provider for the specific location;
        2. Add the assigned CARS indicator (C1, C2, C3, etc.) to the Provider List screen (PF12) so that all children approved and attending the Head Start Collaboration will appear on the same Child Care Certificate or SAMER;
          1. Enter the collaboration capacity on the Provider List screen (PF12) and
          2. Reduce the original provider capacity by the amount of the collaboration capacity.
        3. Enter the address indicator assigned and the name of the appropriate CCR&R on the Collaboration Program Indicator form; and
        4. Return the Collaboration Program Indicator form to the Head Start Collaboration Director via fax at (618) 583-2091.
      3. After the Collaboration Program Indicator form is returned from Springfield BCCD, the Head Start Collaboration Director will:
        1. Notify the Child Care Collaboration provider of its approval status according to the procedures in 08.05.03.
        2. Notify the appropriate CCR&R and/or Springfield BCCD, Site Eligibility Supervisor, of the approved collaboration by sending the following documents:
          • A copy of the Approval letter, and
          • A copy of the Collaboration Program Indicator form.
    2. Child Care Collaboration Provider Responsibilities

      The approved Child Care Collaboration provider must complete the Approved Child Care Collaboration Family List form found in the Approval Packet within 10 calendar days and forward it as directed below:
      1. Certificate providers must send the Family List form to the appropriate CCR&R.
      2. Site Administered Providers must send the Family List form to Springfield BCCD, Site Eligibility Supervisor, 400 W. Lawrence, Springfield, IL 62762.
      3. A Site Administered Provider who is also a certificate provider must send the Family List form to both CCR&R and Springfield BCCD, Site Eligibility Supervisor.
      4. If any family on the Family List form is a Shared Case, the Family List form must be sent to both the CCR&R and Springfield BCCD, Site Eligibility Supervisor.

        Please note: The Family List form is a one-time form used during the initial phase of approval to communicate to the department which children are part of the collaboration and are subject to the three exemptions to Child Care policy. After this initial phase, the Child Care Application (IL444-3455) will be used to communicate this information on a case-by-case basis.
    3. CCR&R and BCCD Subsidy Staff Responsibilities

      CCR&R or BCCD staff must take the following actions for each case listed on the Approved Child Care Collaboration Family List:
      1. Update the provider information for each child on the Family List.
        1. If all of the children in the family are involved in the collaboration and are affected by the provider change, change the address indicator on the Provider Index Screen (F18). The correct address indicator is assigned by Springfield BCCD and is located on the Collaboration Program Indicator Form.
        2. If all of the children are not affected by the provider change and will not be a part of the collaboration, the address indicator can only be changed by doing a provider closeout for the affected child(ren) and adding the new provider location to the current approval.
      2. Change the “Collab” field from “N”to “C” for a Child Care Collaboration Program family.
      3. Please note: The one-year exemption will begin at the next redetermination as long as the family is still enrolled with the approved Child Care Collaboration provider.
  3. New Application Processing Procedures

    Approved Child Care Collaboration providers are responsible for ensuring that parents correctly complete the Child Care Application (IL444-3455). A parent must check “Yes” in response to “Do any of your children attend Head Start, Pre-K, or Child Care at another provider not on this application?”. This question is located at the top of page 5 of the Child Care Application (IL444-3455).

    Approved Child Care Collaboration providers must complete Page 5 of the Child Care Application (IL444-3455) with the parent and:
    1. Confirm, and correct if necessary, that the parents correctly completed the top of page 5 of the Child Care Application (IL444-3455).
    2. Complete the “Child Care Collaboration” Section at the bottom of page 5 of the Child Care Application.
    3. Forward the completed application to the Department or its agent in the following manner:
      1. Site Contracted Provider forwards the completed application to the Bureau of Child Care and Development, Springfield.
      2. Certificate Provider forwards the completed application to the appropriate CCR&R.
    4. CCR&R or BCCD will process the Child Care Application according to established guidelines with the following exceptions:
      1. A “C” for a Child Care Collaboration Program family must be entered in the “Collab” field on the Application/Approval Parent screens on the CCTS.

        If the collaboration provider is paid by CDCYS (formerly CDHS), a “P” must be used instead of a “C” so that a certificate is not issued to the individual CDCYS provider because these providers are already paid by CDCYS.
      2. The correct address indicator must be used for the collaboration child care provider. If the case is coded with a “C”, then the correct provider will have a “C*” address indicator.
      3. If the case has a second provider, CCR&R or BCCD staff will enter the following statement in the comment section of the Generate an Approval Form screen: “This approval period is contingent upon the client remaining in an approved collaboration program.”
      4. Issue Approval Forms to each provider. Issue one form for the first six-month approval period and one for the remaining approval period.
  4. Procedures to follow if a family leaves an approved child care collaboration program

    If a family leaves an approved child care collaboration provider, the family is no longer eligible for the three exceptions to policy. If the family has more than one provider, use the procedures below for all active providers on the case.
    1. If a family leaves an approved collaboration provider during the first 5 months of eligibility, enter a system cancellation for the 2nd eligibility period using reason code 91 “Client no longer has collaboration provider”.

      If the cancellation is entered on or before the first Friday of the 5th month, the CCTS will automatically issue a redetermination form to the parent.

      If the cancellation is entered after the first Friday of the 5th month of eligibility, staff must request an on-line redetermination form through the CCTS.
    2. If a family leaves an approved collaboration provider during the 6th month of eligibility, issue a redetermination form AND a cancellation form effective on the last day of the 6th month using reason code 64, “Redetermination Not Received”.
    3. If the family leaves the collaboration provider during the 2nd eligibility period (months 7-12), cancel the case at the end of the current month using reason code 64, “Redetermination not Received” giving a minimum 10-day notice and request a redetermination. If there are less than 10 days remaining in the month, cancel the case on the last day of the following month.
  5. Child Care Collaboration Designation Renewal Process

    An approved Child Care Collaboration provider will maintain its approved status without a formal renewal process unless:
    1. Annual reports are not filed; and/or
    2. Changes in the collaboration make it ineligible under Section 50.620 or 50.630 of the Illinois Administrative Code.

    If either of the above possibilities occur, providers will be given a 30 to 60 day time period to correct the situation, depending on the extent of the non-compliance. If the issue is corrected, approval status will remain intact. Providers will have a grace period due to the annual redetermination policy. However, if the issue is not corrected, the IDHS Bureau of Child Care and Development will recommend further action, which could include termination of approved status.