07.08.01 - Policy Clarification Request

Effective Date: 01/01/01

Revised 01/01/01, 02/20/13, 12/12/19

Reference: None

Policy Statement:

All questions concerning policy must be referred to the Bureau of Subsidy Management Policy Unit for clarification.


CCR&R staff and Site Administered providers must contact the Bureau of Child Care and Development for policy clarification and interpretation.

All policy clarification requests must contain the following information:

  • Case name;
  • Case number;
  • Social security number (in the absence of case number);
  • Detailed description of situation, question, or problem;
  • Applicable policy number; and
  • The name, phone number, email address and fax number of the person requesting clarification.

Questions are to be sent via e-mail to DHS.CCAP.Policy@illinois.gov.  Documents may be attached to the e-mail . 

CCR&Rs and Site Administered Providers must select a single contact person from each agency to coordinate policy clarification and/or interpretation. Generally, the lead subsidy coordinator at each CCR&R and either the Site Director or staff person responsible for eligibility determination from the Site Administered Provider shall be designated as the main contact.

Staff must review the Child Care Program Manual before sending a policy clarification request.