06.01.01 - Certificate Program

Effective Date: 04/01/04
Revised:  12/14/10, 04/1/13; 6/10/13

Reference: 89 Ill. Adm. Code, Chapter IV, §50.220; §50.420; Memo dated 11/29/00 Re: Payment Edit Requiring a System Certificate

Policy Statement:

Child care may be provided through one of the following methods:

  1. direct payment to the clients for child care costs;
  2. arranging the child care through eligible providers by use of purchase of service contracts or vouchers;
  3. arranging with other agencies and community volunteer groups for non-reimbursed child care; and
  4. adopting such other arrangements as the Department determines appropriate.


The following procedures are applicable to all providers paid through the certificate program administered through Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies.


  1. Issuing the Child Care Certificate
    1. Monthly Batch Certificate
      Each month, IDHS automatically issues a computer generated billing form directly to each child care provider. Child care centers receive a Child Care Certificate Report for Centers. All other providers receive a Child Care Certificate. All active cases in the CCTS having at least one approved eligible day for the service month will be included on the monthly batch certificate.
      Each year, BCCD will notify CCR&R staff of the monthly batch certificate print dates.
    2. Screen Generated Certificate
      1. Licensed Home Providers or License-exempt Home Providers
        If a new child care case is processed, a case is redetermined, or a change is made to an active case after the monthly batch certificate print date, CCR&R staff must issue a screen generated certificate for that service month.
      2. Center Providers
        If a new child care case is processed, a case is redetermined, or a change is made to an active case after the monthly batch certificate print date, a child care center must either handwrite the case information on the child care certificate report or the CCR&R may issue a manual child care certificate report for that case.
    3. Non-receipt of Batch Certificate or System Generated Certificate
      1. Licensed Home Providers or License-exempt Home Providers
        Occasionally, a provider may not receive the monthly batch certificate or a system generated certificate. CCR&R staff must only accept a pre-printed batch certificate or system-generated certificate for payment from non-center (762-767) providers. Never accept a certificate for payment if the pre-printed service month has been crossed off and a new one written in. Do not accept or use a center certificate form for a non-center provider. CCR&R staff may use a manual certificate form for non-center providers only if the provider doesn't receive the online certificate that was printed by the system for the service month.
        1. If a provider hasn't received their monthly batch certificate after the last day of the month, verify the provider's address.
          1. If the address is correct, request an online certificate.
          2. If the provider's address has changed, a written request for an address change signed by both the client and provider must be received before an online certificate may be requested.
        2. If the provider doesn't receive an online certificate, check the Forms Inquiry Screen (F4 or F9) to determine if the certificate was printed and if the provider's address is correct.
          1. If the system printed an online certificate for the service month and the provider hasn't had an address change, send the provider a manual certificate form for non-centers.
          2. If the provider's address has changed, request another online certificate after the written requested for an address change signed by both the client and provider is received.
        3. If there's a address problem due to the postal preferred address program, fax the following documents to BCCD at 217/785-9147:
          1. a copy of the certificate with the incorrect address (or other system form) and
          2. a screen print of the provider's correct address as shown on the Provider Screens.
      2. Center Providers
        If a center provider does not receive the monthly batch certificate, the center must contact the CCR&R within 3 months of the issue date. The CCR&R shall then contact BCCD, Springfield, to request that a duplicate child care certificate report be sent to the center provider. Center certificate reports are only available from BCCD, Springfield for 3 months.
        If the center provider does not request a duplicate certificate report within the established time frame, the center provider must either use the oldest certificate report available or may complete a manual certificate report.
  2. Processing the Child Care Certificate
    For detailed instructions pertaining to data entry of certificates, refer to the procedures outlined in the Child Care Tracking System Manual.
    CCR&R staff must adhere to the following guidelines:
    1. Date stamp the certificate upon receipt.
    2. All child care certificates, including incomplete/pending certificates, must be entered into the Child Care Tracking System (CCTS) within five (5) business days of receipt.
    3. If there is information on the certificate that is unclear, staff should attempt to contact the provider by phone for clarification. If the provider cannot be reached within the five business day time frame, return the original certificate to the provider with a letter that explains the problem.
      The provider must respond within ten (10) business days. If the CCR&R does not receive the additional information within the 10 business day time frame, CCR&R staff must notify the provider in writing that the payment request is denied. The provider will then be required to resubmit the certificate for payment. CCR&R staff will then enter as a new payment with a new received date.
    4. A certificate cannot be entered for payment at any time during the month of service. For example, a payment for the service month of October cannot be entered during the month of October. A certificate received before the last day of the service month must either be held until the first day of the next month or returned to the provider. If the CCR&R holds the certificate in the office, it must be processed by the fifth business day of the next month.
  3. Certificate Expiration Date
    A certificate is void 6 months from the issue date. Only a supervisor with override authority can enter a certificate after 6 months.
    If CCR&R staff receive a certificate older than 6 months, process the payment using the procedures in IV of this section. If a licensed home provider or license-exempt home provider (762-767) requests a new certificate later than 12 months from the service month, a supervisor with override authority must issue the new certificate.
    If a center provider (760-761) requests a new certificate later than 12 months from the service month, they must either use an old certificate with the incorrect month crossed out or they may complete a manual certificate report.
  4. Payment Process if Payment is older than 6 months from the Service Month
    1. If the payment entry month is between 6 and 24 months from the service month, the payment will require an override by CCR&R supervisory staff.
    2. If payment entry month is between 24 and 36 months from the service month, the payment will require a supervisor's signature on the certificate and a payment override by Springfield, BCCD. The CCTS will indicate "OVR24MO" on the Pre-payment List screen.
      1. After the payment is entered, fax a copy of the certificate with the CCR&R supervisor's signature to BCCD at 217/785-9334.
      2. The fax cover letter must indicate that this is a payment over 24 months old that needs an override and the reason why the payment is being processed late.
      3. The fax cover letter must also include a name and phone number.
      4. The CCR&R shall keep the original certificate and supporting documentation in file.
    3. If the payment entry month is over 36 months from the service month, the provider will not be eligible for payment.
      1. Enter the ineligible payment into the CCTS. The CCTS will indicate "OVR36MO" on the Pre-payment List screen.
      2. Notify the provider in writing that the payment request is denied.
  5. The provider is responsible for maintaining daily attendance records/sign-in sheets which can be requested by IDHS at any time within five years.  It is important to keep these records to verify that care was provided for the days that were billed.