MR #18.13: Change in SNAP E&T Staffing Procedures

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  • The changes in this manual release are effective with the date of this release.
  • Revises the instructions to the manual for SNAP Employment & Training (SNAP E&T) staffings.
  • Impacts downstate FCRCs, Cook County FCRCs, EPIC and Earnfare Providers in designated areas of the State that have SNAP E&T Job Placement slots available. 
  • Downstate FCRCs have a staffing as needed.
  • Cook County FCRCs have a required monthly staffing.
  • A full staffing (in-depth discussion) is required when a customer is having problems progressing in an activity, or is subject to allegations of misconduct.
  • For downstate FCRCs and Cook County, if fewer than 5 customers are scheduled for a staffing on a designated day, the FCRC and Provider may opt to have the meeting via telephone conference instead of an in-person meeting.

  • A staffing is a way for the FCRC and Provider to review and discuss a customer's  progress in a SNAP Employment & Training (SNAP E&T) activity.
  • Cook County FCRCs and Providers are required to have a staffing monthly. Downstate FCRCs have a staffing as needed.
  • At least 3 workdays before the meeting, the Provider sends the FCRC Employment and Training Participant List (Form 4333). This list contains the name and appropriate information of each customer the provider serves.
  • If fewer than 5 customers are scheduled for a staffing on a designated day, the FCRC and Provider may opt to have the meeting via telephone conference instead of an in-person meeting. 
  • The Provider indicates on Form 4333 if a full staffing (in-depth discussion) is necessary. When an in-depth discussion is needed, other interested parties such as counseling prevention services or other professionals may participate in the staffing. Contact these individuals at least 3 workdays before the meeting.
  • Within 2 workdays of receipt of Form 4333, the FCRC verifies the customer status and eligibility in IES for continued participation with the Provider. If possible try to resolve any discrepancies between the Employment and Training List and FCRC information before the meeting.

Regular Staffing

  • For a regular staffing the provider completes Change Progress Report (Form 2151A) with the customer's activities per month and level of progress. Before the meeting, the Provider reports for each customer:
    • the assigned activity;
    • number of hours of participation per month; and
    • level of progress.
  • The Provider sends Form 2151A with Form 4333 for each customer on the list to the FCRC. The Provider keeps a copy of the completed Change Progress Report form to refer to at the meeting.
  • At the meeting, (in-person or via telephone conference), the FCRC and Provider review and discuss the customer's case information and any related background information each has on the customer.
  • Include any changes recommended as a result of the meeting in the customer's SNAP Employability Plan.

Full Staffing

  • When a customer is having problems in an activity, the Provider, FCRC, and other interested parties involved in the customer's plan have an in-depth staffing to help the customer get back on track.
  • The selection criteria for an in-depth staffing includes:
    • poor level of customer's engagement;
    • length of time participating in the program;
    • customer receiving 3rd party services such as counseling prevention services and other identified problems.
  • The Provider completes an Employment and Training Staffing (Form 4334) for each customer in need of a full staffing and sends it with Form 4333 to the FCRC prior to the meeting.
  • During the meeting, the FCRC and the Provider must decide the appropriate next steps for the customer.
    • Review the progress reports for each customer who is not progressing;
    • Hold an in-depth discussion about each customer who is required to have a full staffing;
    • Discuss the appropriateness of the current activity;
    • Discuss new strategies to improve participation;
    • Review all resources available to the customer; and
    • Share information that may be unknown to the other party at the meeting.
  • The in-depth meeting may result in a need to revise the SNAP Employability Plan. Revising the SNAP E&T Plan requires the FCRC or Provider to schedule a follow-up meeting with the customer. The follow-up meeting may include other parties.
  • The FCRC and the Provider must sign Form 4334. The Provider completes the appropriate box in Section A to show all services provided to the customer. The FCRC completes Section C to show case status. In Section B show any recommended changes in the customer's SNAP Employability Plan.
  • Scan and upload any staffing documents into the ECR. The Provider should keep a copy for their files.


[signed copy on file]

James T. Dimas

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services

Forms Referenced:

Form 2151A

Form 4333