03.02.01 - Record Retention

Effective Date: 05/12/05,

Revisions: 10/01/14, 1/20/22, 07/01/22

Policy Statement:

All child care case records must be retained by Illinois Department of Human Services and its contractors for a total of 5 years from the date of closure of each case per Retention Schedule 19-71 through the Illinois Secretary of State Division of Archives. CCR&Rs and Site Administered Providers will scan and/or upload all forms and documentation pertaining to Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) cases into the Child Care Management System (CCMS) for electronic storage.


This policy applies to CCR&R, Site Provider Agency staff and IDHS Bureau of Child Care and Development staff.


  1. Basic Information
    1. CCAP staff must scan and/or upload all forms (applications, redeterminations, Requests for Additional Information…) and supporting documentation (pay stubs, school schedules...) for each case processed into CCMS.
    2. Once a form or document has been scanned and/or uploaded into CCMS, the hard copy can be destroyed in a secure manner.
    3. CCAP staff should direct all policy and support questions concerning record retention to DHS.CCAP.Policy@Illinois.gov.
      1. CCAP staff should include the CCR&R or Site name, contact phone number, and details on the case or situation.
      2. A member of the Bureau of Subsidy Management Policy team will reply
  2. Retrieval of Paper Records Prior to CCMS
    1. CCAP staff who need to receive old paper records that had been sent to the State Records Center should email dhs.recordscenter@illinois.gov with the CCR&R or Site agency name and address, box number the file was sent in, name of client, and case number, or complete the IL444-1038 INSTRUCTIONS: COUNTY/DISTRICT OFFICES AND STATE LEVEL OFFICES form.
    2. IDHS Records Staff will mail the records to the requesting agency once they has been retrieved.
  3. Records to Retain
    1. Do NOT send case records to the State Records Center if there are any outstanding audits, litigation, appeals, or overpayments associated with the case that have not been fully recouped from the responsible party.
    2. Retention of Overpayments hardcopies will be stored until recouped. If recouped within the 1-year time frame, the overpayment file can be deleted.
      1. Files containing overpayments must be scanned into the CCMS just as other documents.
      2. Documents can be scanned in CCMS and then shredded and placed in secure disposal bin. These files can be used if needed for future legal or administrative actions.