July 26, 2018 Data Committee Meeting


Members of the Statewide Task Force and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


July 26, 2018


  • This meeting will be conducted via teleconference with Chicago & Springfield Locations
  • Conference Call in:888-330-9549/Code:230540#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Review of previous meeting minutes/edit and approval
  4. Discuss June 25 South Suburbs and July 19 hearing
  5. Discuss categories of services we are working on in terms of data
    1. Jobless
    2. Jobless and out of school
    3. Jobless, out of school, and no diploma
    4. Homelessness
    5. Addiction, including opiates, fentanyl, etc.
    6. Jailing/prison
    7. Dropout and chronic truancy numbers and rates (see attached spreadsheet we developed)
    8. Other
  6. Upcoming Task Force Hearings
    1. Confirmed: August 7th - Mt. Vernon 
  7. Other
  8. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting called to order by Kenneth Martin Ocasio, seconded by Jack Wuest.
  2. Roll Call
    On Call: Jack Wuest, Caitlyn Barnes, Quiwana Bell, Raunak Pednekar, Kenneth Martin Ocasio, Reyahd Kazmi.
  3. Review of Minutes 
    Kenneth Martin Ocasio motioned to approve minutes from the June 14th Data Committee meeting, motion seconded by Jack Wuest.  All in favor, minutes approved. 
  4. Discuss June 25th South Suburbs and July 19tg Peoria hearings
    1. June 25th South Suburbs hearing: 
      Ken stated they had significant attendance, a great group of panelists and listeners. Youth testimonies. A lot of the things were pretty much similar to the previous hearings. There were moments of colorful exchanges between elected officials and others on the panel. There is a communication gap between resources available and information being disseminated on employment. Youth were prepared to give testimony on obstacles they face in attending school and getting jobs.
    2. July 19 Peoria hearing: 
      Jack stated that Senator Weaver and Katie Kelly organized it well. There were 4 panels and about 65 people. Other senators and representatives took the lead on discussion. Youth talked about the struggles they are having, and community groups discussed their work. There was a recruiter there for business and the president of the Community College in the area was there - both said they could not find enough workers. The President of the Community College said that 30 companies were calling her unsolicited and they cannot find workers. It is threatening the expansion for their business. 
      Ken asked if they were talking about a specialized type of labor? There were a few employers there - from temp agency and from hospital/health system. The level of skills was not specified. It is not just skilled workers - they are just looking for people who will show up on time. Jack responded that Chuck Weaver works on getting youth connected to employment.
  5. Discuss categories of services we are working on in terms of data.
    1. Jobless
    2. Jobless and out of school
    3. Jobless, out of school, and no diploma
    4. Homelessness
    5. Addiction, including opiates, fentanyl, etc.
    6. Jailing/prison
    7. Dropout and chronic truancy numbers and rates (see attached spreadsheet we developed)
    8. Other
      We are working on gathering data for the above categories. Looking at different keywords in conjunction with Program, Policy, and Finance. If anyone has new reports or data, please email Grace (gtran@asnchicago.org).
  6. Upcoming Task Force Hearings
    1. Confirmed: August 7th - Mt. Vernon - see attached leaflet.
    2. Tentative: Kerry Knodle in Rockford is going to work on a hearing in the third week of September.
  7. Other
    Next meeting: Thursday, September 6th, 2:30pm 
  8. Adjournment
    Motion to adjourn meeting: Jack Wuest made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Reyahd Kazmi.Meeting adjourned.