02.04.01 - Loss of Activity

Effective Date: 11/01/04

Revised: 7/1/11, 6/14/13, 07/01/2017, 3/15/22, 5/1/2022

Reference: 89 Ill. Adm. Code, Chapter IV, §50.250;

Cross Reference: 01.03.02 - Employment; 01.03.03 - Education and Training Activities; 02.03.01 - Redetermination; 04.02.01 - Copayments

Policy Statement

Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) cases will maintain their 12-month eligibility period when either parent/guardian has experienced a temporary interruption of their approved activity.

Parents/guardians who become unemployed or stops attending school permanently will be given a grace period of no fewer than 90 days from the last date of activity. There are no limits to the number of non- consecutive Grace Periods that can be approved for a family within any 12-month eligibility period.


  1. Temporary Interruption in Activity

    1. The 12-month eligibility period cannot be canceled or have benefits reduced due to a temporary interruption in either or both parents/guardians' activity (employment, education…) participation.
    2. There is no time limit on the length of the interruption if it is considered temporary and if the parent/guardian expects to return to the activity.
    3. Reasons for temporary interruptions of activity include, but are not limited to:
      1. Time-limited absence from work due to reasons such as need to care for a family member or an illness;
      2. Interruption in work or interim loss of employment (e.g., seasonal work, building construction, no budget…)
      3. Any student holiday or break for a parent participating in training or education; (e.g., Winter Break, Summer Break, etc.)
      4. School Closure (for parents/guardians with education activities)
      5. Transfer and Change of Educational Institution
      6. Lack of Financial Aid Distribution
      7. Completion of TANF participation in Responsibility and Service Plan activities
      8. Strike
      9. Medical Leave
      10. Maternity Leave
    4. The number of eligible days cannot be reduced during the eligibility period unless the client requests a reduction. This includes:
    5. Co-payment amounts can be decreased based on the family's income after the loss of activity
    6. Co-payments cannot be increased during the eligibility period beyond the highest amount assessed at the beginning of the eligibility period, even if changes in employment increases the family's earned income.
    7. All temporary interruptions in activity are to be case noted in CCMS.
    8. No other CCMS actions should be needed.
    9. Families must meet all eligibility requirements, including activity, at their next redetermination to be approved for a new 12-month eligibility period.
  2. Permanent Loss of Activity Grace Period

    1. CCAP cases will be granted a grace period of no fewer than 90 days if a parent/guardian reports that they will ending participation in their approved activity (employment, education…) permanently.
    2. Reasons for a permanent change in activity could include:
      1. Being fired from a job
      2. Quitting a job
      3. Permanent closure of employer or school
      4. Withdrawing from all classes
    3. The grace period will begin the date after their last date in the activity, as reported by the parent/guardian either in writing or verbally.
    4. There are no limits to the number of non-consecutive grace periods within an eligibility period.
      1. An eligible activity must be reported between grace periods.
      2. There is no minimum amount of time in the new activity required to grant a new grace period.
    5. The number of eligible days cannot be reduced during an eligibility period unless the client requests a reduction.  This includes:
      1. Temporary or permanent loss of activity;
      2. When a new activity requires fewer days of care 
    6. Co-payment amounts can be decreased during the grace period based on the family's income during the grace period.
    7. Co-payments cannot be increased during an eligibility period beyond the highest amount assessed at the beginning of the eligibility period, even if new employments increase the family's earned income.
    8. To process a grace period in CCMS, enter the grace period start date. CCMS will determine the grace period ending date as the last day of the calendar month after the 90th of the grace period occurs.
    9. CCMS will add months to the eligibility period when needed to ensure a grace period of no fewer than 90 days. J
    10. issue a Notice of Cancelation and a Change of Information form if there are fewer than 90 days remaining in the eligibility period
    11. If no activity is reported at the end of the grace period, CCMS will issue a cancellation with 30 day-notice for a client no longer participating in an eligible activity.
    12. Ensure that Case and/or Verification notes are added for all information obtained verbally to the CCMS case record.
    13. At any time during the grace period if the parent(s) and/or guardian(s) resumes employment or an approved education/training activity, the original eligibility period must resume without the need to submit a new application or redetermination.
      1. The number of eligible days cannot be decreased but can be increased based on the documentation from the new activity.
      2. Co-payments cannot be increased during an eligibility period beyond the highest amount assessed at the beginning of the eligibility period.
    14. If a new activity is reported within 60 days of when client's 12- month eligibility period ends, send the client a Request for Redetermination form to assess eligibility for a new 12-month eligibility period under the redetermination eligibility guideline in CCAP Policy Section 02.03.01 at https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=10568.
      1. Refer to CCAP Policy 01.03.02 (https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=10552) for acceptable employment documentation and
      2. 01.03.03 (https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=36624) for acceptable education/training documentation.
    15. If the new activity is reported with more than 60 days remaining in the eligibility period, issue a Change of Information form to the client.
    16. Employment start date and income can be reported in writing or verbally.
      1. If information reported verbally, enter new employment/training education data in CCMS. A Change of Information form is not needed when new activity information reported verbally. Case note verbal report of activity in CCMS.
    17. Family income should be reassessed based on the new income information, to determine if family co-pay can decrease and if family income exceeds 85% SMI.
    18. All other income amounts used during the previous eligibility determination should remain unchanged unless the client reports a decrease in the type of income.
    19. If the family's income exceeds 85% SMI, the case is to be canceled with 30-day notice for income over maximum.
    20. If the family income has decreased, reassess the copayment effective the service month after the reassessment.
    21. Co-payment amounts cannot be increased above the highest amount originally assessed during an eligibility period (including during or after a grace period), even if there is a change in family size or an increase in income.
    22. If CCAP is notified of the loss of activity prior to the 90th day with no activity, but there are fewer than 90 days eligibility remaining, CCMS will extend the 12-month eligibility period to ensure a grace period of no fewer than 90 days.
    23. If CCAP is notified of a loss of activity after the activity has been lost for more than 90 days:
      1. Enter Cancelation with 30-day notice in CCMS using the cancelation language for a client no longer in an activity
      2. Send the parent/guardian a Request for Redetermination to report a new activity within 30 days of the cancelation effective date.
        1. New activities reported later than 30 days from the cancelation effective date must be processed as a new application and meet all requirements for a new case, including the maximum income level.