02.03.01 - Redetermination

Effective Date: 01/01/00,

Revisions: 01/01/18; 10/1/18, 10/1/19, 07/1/21, 07/01/22, 7/18/22, 7/28/23

Cross Reference: 01.03.02 - Employment; 01.03.03 - Education & Training, 01.03.05 - Teen Parents, 02.04.01 - Loss of Activity, 02.02.01 - Establishing Eligibility; 01.02.01 - Income Guidelines, 01.03.10 CCAP Protective Services.

Policy Statement

Eligibility for each family must be redetermined at the end of the current eligibility period.  Documentation to support continued eligibility must be received as part of the eligibility redetermination process. The documentation requirements are the same as is required for determining initial eligibility.  Families must meet all eligibility requirements in order to be approved for a new 12-month eligibility period.


Documentation to support continued eligibility must be received as part of the eligibility redetermination process. The documentation requirements are the same as is required for determining initial eligibility. Please refer to 01.03.02 for employment related documentation, 01.03.03 for education and training documentation, 01.03.05 for education documentation for teen parents., and 01.03.10 for protective services.

Timely Submission of Redetermination

  1. Redetermination forms are mailed to the parent approximately 6 weeks prior to the eligibility expiration date.
    1. Redetermination forms may also be printed at the agency and given to the client in person.
  2. Parents must complete and return the Redetermination form and required eligibility documentation within ten (10) business days. The Redetermination form and eligibility documentation may be hand-delivered, e-mailed, mailed or faxed.
  3. Upon receipt of the Redetermination form, CCAP staff must:

    1. Date stamp the Redetermination form
    2. Enter the Redetermination information into CCMS.
      1. CCMS provides a record that the redetermination was received and acted on within ten (10) business days of receipt. In addition.
      2. CCMS identifies all missing information and tracks when a redetermination should be denied due to the failure to submit missing information.
      3. Refer to the CCMS Help Wizards and training materials for step-by-step instructions for entering the redetermination information into CCMS.
    1. Review the Redetermination Form in its entirety for completeness and required documentation. If eligibility information, documentation, or signature is missing, send a Request for Additional Information in accordance with the procedures outlined in 02.02.02.
  4.  Determine continued eligibility
    1. All activity and family eligibility criteria are the same at Redetermination as at the time of application, except for the income guidelines
    2. Families that report a permanent loss of activity during a redetermination must be given a 90-day grace period from the last date of the activity.  If the loss of activity occurred more than 90-days prior to the eligibility period ending date, the case will not extend beyond the ending date without proof of a new eligible activity.
    3. Non-exempt family income must be below the current redetermination income level for the case to be approved for a new 12-month eligibility period (275% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) as of July 1, 2022).  See CCAP Policy Section 01.02.01 - Income Guidelines for current amounts.  
    4. Families with non-exempt income higher than 85% of the State Median Income (SMI) will not be approved for a new 12-month eligibility period. 
    5. If the family's income exceeds 85% of SMI at the time of Redetermination, issue a Notice of Cancellation of Child Care Payments due to being over income to the Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s) and child care provider(s) indicating the last date of the expiring eligibility period as the effective date.
    6. If the family requests child care assistance at any time after the cancelation effective date, the request must be treated as a new application and have family income below the current income guidelines for a new application
    7. If the parent's income is above the current redetermination income level and below 85% of SMI, refer to the procedures below for Graduated Phase Out.

Eligibility Notification

  1. Send or give one of the following forms to the parent and the provider. 
    1. Approval of Request for Child Care Payments or;
    2.  Notice of Cancellation of Child Care Payments. If the case is determined to be ineligible, cancel the case at the end of the eligibility period.
  2. Submission of Redeterminations
    1. Redeterminations received prior to the eligibility end date and up through thirty days following can be processed for continuous eligibility.
      1. Example: Eligibility period ends 11/30/2021, redetermination received 12/27/2021. Redetermination can be processed with a start date of 12/1/2021.
    2. If the Redetermination form and documentation are received more than 30 days after the effective date of cancellation, date stamp the materials received and follow the procedures outlined in 02.02.01 - Establishing Eligibility. Acceptance of the redetermination form after the case has been closed longer than 30 days does not imply that eligibility is retroactive or continuous. This step merely eliminates the need for the parent to complete a new application.  A new application with a provider signature is required if a family's eligibility has been expired for more than three months.
    3. All activity verification documents (pay stubs, school schedules…) must be current based on the date stamp of the late Redetermination submission. If current documentation is not included, a Request for Additional Information (RAI) must be sent to the client. All required system checks (IES, AWVS, KIDS…) must also be checked again in order to ensure correct and current information.

Graduated Phase-Out

  1. If the family's income exceeds the current redetermination income level listed in Policy Section 01.02.01, and does not exceed 85% of the State Median Income (SMI), and all other eligibility criteria has been met, CCMS will extend the eligibility period an additional 3-months.
  2.  Issue a new Approval notice and include the following language in the COMMENTS section the Approval Notice: "Your family is no longer eligible for CCAP eligibility due to income, but you are eligible for an additional 90 calendar days to allow for the transition to the full cost of child care."
  3. If the family's income exceeds 85% of SMI, Send a Notice of Cancellation of Child Care Payments to the Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s) and child care provider(s) indicating the date the effective date of cancellation.

    1. The cancelation form must be generated effective the end of the current eligibility period or at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the effective date of the cancellation and must contain the last date of CCAP payment, reason for cancellation, and a statement that cancellation under Graduated Phase-out is not appealable through an Administrative Hearing.
  4. Redetermination requirements apply if the family requests child care assistance through a new application or re-submitted redetermination within 30-calendar days of the eligibility end date.
  5. Any request for assistance received later than 30-days after the eligibility ending date must meet all requirements as a new application.
  6. Document the case record of all actions taken in CCMS.