01.04.01 - Age of Child

Effective Date: 01/01/00

Revised: 10/1/18, 03/7/22/, 5/1/2022
Reference: 89 Ill. Adm. Code, Chapter IV, §50.230; 45 CFR, Subpart C, §98.20

Policy Statement

Child care services are restricted to children under age 13 and to children under age 19 who are under court supervision or have physical or mental incapacities as documented by a statement from a local health provider or other health professional. 


  • Children of eligible families turning 13 (or 19 for court orders and special needs) during the new eligibility period shall be approved for the entire eligibility period that their birthday occurs in. 
  • CCR&Rs and Site Administered Child Care providers must obtain appropriate documentation in order to approve child care services for a child 13 through 18 years of age whose 13th birthday occurred in a previous eligibility period or prior to applying for the CCAP.
  • CCR&Rs and Site Administered Providers may contact the CCAP Policy Unit if they require assistance making the determination but are empowered to determine if the documented condition requires continued care. 
  • Documentation must be submitted during all eligibility redetermination unless the original documentation indicated that the reason for extended child care will persist beyond the child's 19th birthday.  In those cases:
    • Enter a case note at each redetermination period referring to the original documentation. 
    • Determine service and income eligibility for the case based on the redetermination information.
  • Appropriate documentation includes:
    • An Individualized Education Plan (IEP); or
    • An original written description of the disability or court decision;
    • The documentation for a physical or mental disability must be signed by a physician, psychiatrist, or other appropriate licensed health care provider and be on letterhead stationery.
    • The documentation for a court decision must be signed by a judge; and
    • Documentation other than an IEP must include the following information:
      • The name of the child who is disabled or under court supervision.
      • Information about the disability or court supervision.
      • A projected length of time the disability or action will be present, and;
      • An explanation of how the child is incapable of self-care.
    • CCR&Rs and Site Administered Providers shall maintain the required documentation that meets the above criteria in the case record.