Intergovernmental Support Services - All Funds

BY19 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds


Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Contractual - Leased Property Mgmt $42,259.3 $42,259.3 $42,259.3
EDP - DoIT Services $61,000.0 $87,120.0 $148,120.0 ($71,215.3) $76,904.7
EDP - Integrated Eligibility System Support $20,000.0 $20,000.0
Framework Project Program $10,000.0 $10,000.0 $10,000.0
CMS Fleet Management $2,026.8 $1,520.0 $3,546.8 ($1,520.0) $2,026.8
CMS Graphic Design Mgmt. $56.7 $56.7 $56.7
Grants Accountability Transparency Non-DHS $803.9 $803.9 ($803.9)
Subtotal $116,146.7 $88,640.0 $204,786.7 ($53,539.2) $151,247.5
Total Appropriation $116,146.7 $88,640.0 $204,786.7 ($53,539.2) $151,247.5

CY Adjustments

CY Adjustments Description Amount
EDP - DoIT Services Increase to cover FY2017 remaining liabilities $87,120.0
CMS Fleet Management Increase to cover FY2017 remaining liabilities $1,520.0

BY Adjustments

BY Adjustments Description Amount
EDP - DoIT Services Annualized cost of Retirement at 51.614%, Group Insurance at $24,000 per person, delayed maintenance of DHS IT systems, and elimination of one time spending ($71,215.3)
EDP - Integrated Eligibility System Support Transition of IES maintenance from external vendors to internal systems $20,000.0
CMS Fleet Management Elimination of one time spending ($1,520.0)
Grants Accountability Transparency Non-DHS Cost Shift to non-general revenue funding source ($803.9)