Elgin Mental Health Center - GRF

BY19 Budget - Change by Line Item - General Revenue Fund


Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Personal Services $55,859.4 $55,859.4 $55,859.4
Social Security $4,273.4 $4,273.4 $4,273.4
Subtotal $60,132.8 $60,132.8 $60,132.8
Contractual $4,733.3 $4,733.3 $4,733.3
Travel $14.2 $14.2 $14.2
Commodities $1,245.6 $1,245.6 $1,245.6
Printing $49.1 $49.1 $49.1
Equipment $36.9 $36.9 $36.9
Telecommunications $221.1 $18.8 $239.9 ($18.8) $221.1
Op of Automotive $181.9 $181.9 $181.9
Living Skills $15.0 $15.0 $15.0
Subtotal $6,497.1 $18.8 $6,515.9 ($18.8) $6,497.1
Total Appropriation $66,629.9 $18.8 $66,648.7 ($18.8) $66,629.9

CY Adjustments

CY Adjustments Description Amount
Telecommunications Increase to cover FY2017 remaining liabilities for DoIT billings $18.8

BY Adjustments

BY Adjustments Description Amount
Telecommunications Elimination of one-time spending ($18.8)