May 18, 2018 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Meeting


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


May 18, 2018
9:30am to 11:30am


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room


  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of Minutes
    March 16, 2018
  4. NOFO updates
    1. Planning Grants
    2. Renewal applications
    3. YS-TTAS renewal application
  5. FY19 Funding/decisions- Projected spending
  6. Peoria presentation (Mark Bronke and Dan Hunt)
  7. Data Work Group
    1. Redeploy Guidebook update
    2. DMC Action Plans - next steps
  8. FY18 3-year Intensive Site Visits
  9. Pre adjudication policy discussion/decisions
    1. Eligibility (misdemeanor offenders and pre-adjudicated youth)
    2. Urban and rural
    3. Stakeholder engagement and education
    4. Family engagement
  10. FY18 Fiscal Update
    1. FY18 Redeploy expenditures and commitments/number served to date
    2. FY18 ICOY expenditures to date and Redeploy Focused update
  11. FY18 Remaining Funds
    1. Discussion/Decisions
  12. RIOB Planning Meeting Discussion
  13. Next Meetings
    1. RIOB Planning meeting: Thursday and Friday, June 14th-June 15th
    2. 2018 Full Board Meeting: Friday, June 15, 2018
    3. All Sites meeting: Thursday and Friday, June 7th - June 8th
  14. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 9:38 am.
  2. Roll Call
    Karrie Rueter, George Timberlake, Anne Studzinski, Quinn Rallins, Garian Gatewood, Peter Parry, Tracy Senica, Mary Reynolds, Paula Wolff, Betsy Clarke, Mary Ann Dyar. Quorum present. 
    Staff and Guests: Lindsey LaPointe, Olivia Wilks, Amanda McMillen (by phone), Kristen Marshall, Erica Hughes, John Payne, Steve Sawyer, Jonah Nueman; Chicago Reporter. Peoria Guests: Mark Bronke and Dan Hunt.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    The Board discussed the minutes from the March 16, 2018 board meeting.
    Motion: Paula Wolff motioned to approve the minutes.Anne Studzinski seconded the motion.
    Decision: All in favor.March 16, 2018 minutes approved.
  4. NOFO updates
    1. Planning Grants
    2. Renewal applications: Karrie updated the board on the funding notices. There were three different funding notices released which were the Planning Grant NOFO, the renewal application for current Redeploy Illinois sites, and the renewal application for the Youth Services-training and technical assistance. Karrie reported that the board received application's from all current sites, with the exception of Peoria. The RIOB board invited representatives from Peoria to discuss this decision.
    3. YS-TTAS renewal application: ICOY stepped out for this discussion. The YSTTAS renewal application and budget were discussed. There were a couple of recommendations that came out of the discussion. These recommendations included keeping the Redeploy portion of the budget at level funding from last year, and significantly lowering or eliminating the Juvenile Justice Program Coordinator (TBH) and reducing the amount of "supervision" of staff time in the grant. It was also discussed about the option to have another consultant, if needed, for assistance with stakeholder engagement. The revisions are to be requested to DHS prior to the Executive Meeting.
  5. FY19 Funding/decisions- Projected spending
    A handout with FY19 budget requests and a summary of the FY19 continuation applications was looked at and discussed. All 8 sites that applied for FY19 asked for approximately the same amount of money as they received in FY18. All 8 sites asked to serve approximately the same amount of youth as FY18. There was one site that projected to serve less youth based on FY18 number of youth served. The discussion regarding eligibility for the Redeploy Program could affect this sites number of youth served. An Executive Committee meeting was scheduled for the following week to make final decisions on FY19 funding.
  6. Peoria presentation
    Dan Hunt indicated that this process started 6 months ago when the Supreme Court decided that probation would discontinue the use of the YASI and would transition to the OYAS. At the site visit in January Peoria discussed the uncertainty about how to accommodate both assessments. When Dan began the application for this fiscal year there were two questions on the application's Programmatic Risk Assessment regarding the use of YASI, but wasn't sure how to proceed because within the next two months they will exclusively be using the OYAS. Then, Peoria began to think about how they could marry the two assessments. Under the judicial office, the priority would have to be the OYAS, but they were trying to determine whether it was possible for the juvenile probation staff to conduct both assessments. Probation saw this option leading to challenges because the tools ask different questions, have different thresholds and would not be a good mix. Peoria also considered hiring a consultant to do the YASI while probation was doing the OYAS and then figuring out how to create combined treatment planning, case recording, etc. The more they discussed this, this option became problematic because the consultant which would ultimately be doing the same work as probation officers. They also considered having probation complete the OYAS, then refer youth to Redeploy and then the service provider would complete the YASI, but they were concerned about that experience for the juvenile, parent/guardian. Also they were concerned about the possibility of two assessments coming up with different results and therefore different case plans. If that were to happen, which case plan would youth be required to follow? Peoria was unable to figure out what to do if there were dual requirements and standards. At that point, Peoria came to the conclusion that they could not see a resolution other than not being required to complete the YASI.
    Paula asked whether all sites were facing this challenge and how other sites were handling this issue. Karrie indicated that no site has indicated that they anticipate an issue however, no one has really had to handle this yet. In some cases, primary service providers work in conjunction with probation and are developing a collaborative case plan that would input both case plans. Some probation departments will do both assessments or providers will take on that responsibility. Paula asked why Redeploy is still requiring the YASI.
    Karrie indicated that the YASI takes a more in-depth look at mental health and trauma. The Ohio tool is more structured around what a youth's placement should be. Rich Atkins indicated that mental health is not a criminogenic factor that has been shown to contribute to recidivism. Rich indicated that there are other assessments available to assess mental health and trauma that the AOIC encourages. The YASI is able to look at more elements to form a more comprehensive plan to improve youth outcomes above and beyond recidivism. Karrie indicated that the board could consider allowing the Ohio Assessment to serve as the tool to determine referrals and then once youth are in the program providers could administer the YASI to inform the case plan. Karrie suggested that if you look at Redeploy as a program, probation decides who is referred to that program and that program becomes part of the probation case plan. Peoria stated that the conflict would arise if the Ohio outlined that services should be X as understood by probation, and Redeploy program would outline y as services based on YASI and then they would not be on the same page. Karrie stated that it is possible that other sites do not see this as a conflict because they may have a different relationship with service providers and there is a mutually agreed to plan. Peoria indicated they would be interested in using an ancillary tool to measure mental health alongside the OYAS.
    Anne asked if Peoria had an opportunity to do a planning grant since that would allow Peoria more time to plan and identify new partners and an opportunity to rethink their whole Redeploy program. Dan indicated that yes it would. The board clarified if this was an option and Karrie indicated that the planning grant or the reapplication grant would need to be reissued. The board indicated that it needs to look at how all sites are using the new assessment and what outcomes are being measured. The board discussed how the goals of the program are ensuring youth are involved in better activities and quality of life measures, versus getting better at not getting caught. The board discussed that either the other sites have worked out the assessment issue or Peoria is the only site who has thought ahead about it. Dan indicated that they called other sites to see what they were going to do and their responses were that they didn't know and they hadn't thought that far ahead about it.
    Karrie indicated that Redeploy staff will be hosting another all-sites meeting in September and the primary subject on the agenda will be OYAS and YASI implementation. Betsy asked whether there is a pilot to compare the tools to see if one would refer more youth to the Redeploy program. Peoria was not aware of any pilot, but can see foreseeable differences in the services recommended. Mark indicated that they do not know with any certainty whether youth would be scored the same with each tool. The information needed to score the YASI is more in-depth than the Ohio, however both essentially measure the same risk domains (e.g. 88 questions associated with the YASI and only 33 questions in the Ohio). The Ohio is very scripted and does not require screeners to go deep into the youth's history.
    Anne suggested that Probation would do the Ohio and then they would pass the youth to the Redeploy service provider to complete the YASI who usually has more of a clinical focus and relationship with the youth. Anne made the following requests 1) during the transition to Ohio tool, YASI needs to be a standing agenda item for the next year for the Board meetings and retreat. 2) Is it feasible for someone to do a comparison of the YASI and the Ohio to understand the differences between the tools? One concern the Board expressed was whether the OYAS was just a checklist. Rich indicated that the Ohio tool is not a checklist. Rich stated that the OYAS is an in-depth conversation and each staff has to go through a detailed training and receive a certification, and there is quality assurance to make sure staff implement the tool correctly. Rich indicated that they have seen a difficulty of having staff implement YASI consistently over the years. Karrie indicated that DHS used to have a group of certified trainers as well, but this was difficult with staff turn-over. DHS has a partnership with Orbis to provide trainings, and piloting this year one on one quality assurance for staff as well as their supervisors to maintain on YASI trainings.
    Steve Sawyer asked to what extent does this cause a conflict to probation? Peoria responded that they think the conflict will mainly exist around the required services that are outlined based on the assessments. There is a need to make sure services are coordinated with Redeploy and that they are similarly prioritized. The board asked what the next steps are for Peoria. Peoria is requesting that they would not have to conduct the YASI but to be able to find another ancillary tool to identify mental health and trauma issues that need to be addressed. Since they are required to do the Ohio they don't want to have a conflicting tool.
    George Timberlake stated that the board needs to think about identifying a specific set of measures for Redeploy success that include positive outcomes, highlighting that the board wants to see the impact and results of the diversion services provided to youth. Anne indicated that she would share a list of agencies with Dan and Mark in their consideration of service providers.
    : Anne Studzinksi moved to reissue a planning grant to allow for Peoria to apply provided we have the funding. George Timberlake seconded the motion.
    Discussion: Anne asked whether there was a way to keep the door open for Peoria in 5-6 months and Karrie indicated yes. As long as the Board was in agreement, they would put the funding notice out for 30 days, but it might be competitive and it would be for the remainder of the state fiscal year. A less likely option might be extending the renewal option in the non-competitive nature. If it is a competitive grant it would require scoring.
    Decision: After the discussion it was clear that it would be an option for Peoria to continue with Redeploy as mentioned in the discussion, Anne withdrew her motion. George withdrew his seconded motion.
  7. Data Work Group
    1. Redeploy Guidebook update - DHS staff shared a draft of the Guidebook and a one page quick reference summary with the Board. Any final edits can be made and the final Guidebook version is currently being updated.
    2. DMC Action Plans - The DMC Action Plans and recommendations for FY19 were shared with the Data Work Group. The Data Work Group is looking over both, and will share feedback and recommended changes with DHS staff.
  8. FY18 3-year Intensive Site Visit updates
    A brief discussion was had stating that through the intensive site visits conducted in the last half of FY18 there were several common issues throughout all sites. The common issues are listed below.
    1. Eligibility
    2. Urban and rural
    3. Stakeholder engagement and education
    4. Family engagement
  9. FY18 Fiscal Update 
    1. FY18 Redeploy expenditures and commitments/number served to date: The data in the packet was self-reported, but DHS will have DJJ numbers to share soon. The board indicated they would like detailed data comparing top committing counties with demographics, age, and offense.
    2. FY18 ICOY expenditures to date and Redeploy Focused update: ICOY was asked to step out of the room for this discussion. A discussion regarding the focused program and its underutilization in FY18. A question was asked how we get more sites involved.
  10. FY18 Remaining Funds
    Discussion/decisions - No discussion
  11. RIOB Planning Meeting (June 14-15)
    George Timberlake indicated that he would like to know how quickly the state is reimbursing sites. Karrie suggested that this could be included in the retreat. Betsy indicated that the board needs to look at the issue of the provision of defense services to youth cross the state. She highlighted that the IL Bar Foundation has been giving money to augment council for children, particularly in Harrisburg, but it should be an ongoing discussion. 
    The Board determined that the Executive Committee will prepare the agenda for the planning meeting. They would like Erica to put together a summary of each of the applications to look at dollar amounts. Staff should capture ideas from this meeting for the planning meeting. The Board requested that staff move intensive site visit updates from this meeting to the retreat with handouts to guide discussion in advance. Some of the biggest issues staff highlighted include eligibility, differences between urban and rural sites, stakeholder engagement and education, and family engagement. Many of the sites have been eroded because of the budget impasse and each site is in a state of rebuilding. The Board indicated that the pre-adjudication conversation is another important focus and staff will need to update the policy document.
    Motion: Anne Studzinksi moved for the Executive Committee to hold a special meeting to consider funding decisions for 1) renewal applications 2) ICOY contract 3) finalize the agenda for the June meeting. Peter Parry seconded the motion.
    Decision: The Board approved this motion.
  12. Adjourn
    Motion: Paula Wolff motioned to adjourn the meeting. Anne Studzinski seconded the motion.
    Decision: Meeting was adjourned at 11:28 am.