01.01.01 - Residence

Effective Date:  01/01/2000

Revised 01/01/13, 04/01/2017
Reference:  89 Ill. Adm. Code, Chapter IV, §50.230

Cross Reference: 01.03.10 - CCAP Protective Services Child Care for Children Experiencing Homelessness

Policy Statement:

All families must be residents of Illinois in order to be eligible for child care services.


An Illinois residence is determined by the home address of the family as listed on the Child Care Application (IL444-3455). An Illinois P.O. Box is not sufficient to demonstrate that the applicant resides in Illinois. 

Applicants Declaring Homelessness:

Applicants who reside in a protective shelter environment are not required to provide the physical address of where they are living.  Applicants that declare homelessness and meet the definition in accordance with the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 11302 or 42 U.S.C. 11434a(2), may provide a mailing address. In these cases, a P.O. Box or other address information for mail delivery is acceptable.

All Other Applicants:

For all other applicants indicating only a P.O. Box on the child care application, the home address must be verified. If the applicant presents or State databases report conflicting address information, the physical home address must be confirmed. This information may be verified by phone, two forms of current valid identification, (e.g. Driver's License, Voter Registration Card, Utility Bill, homeowner's or renter's insurance policy, etc.), other State of Illinois systems or if necessary, by sending a Request for Additional Information Form (IL444-4480).

When verifying an applicant's Illinois residency, evidence of the confirmed address should be included in the electronic case record and case noted.

For cases managed at  the Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (CCR&R), the zip code of the applicant's home address determines which CCR&R agency manages the case.