Dynamic Form Test

In this example, a user may enter one or more phone numbers of various types (Voice, TTY, or Fax). The form starts with a single row that includes a Phone Number text box and Type drop-down list. After completing the first row, the user may add a blank row by clicking an Add Phone button. The fields in the new rows will be labeled Phone #2, #3, etc. A user may remove a row by clicking the Remove button within any existing row. Once all phone numbers are entered, the entire form would be submitted using the Save button at the end of the form.


  1. Tab to the first form field, "Phone #1".
  2. Enter a Phone Number.
  3. Tab to "Phone #1 Type".
  4. Tab to the "Remove Phone #1" button.
  5. Tab to the "Add Phone" button and press spacebar to activate it.
  6. A new "Phone #2" row is added and focus is moved to "Phone #2"; the screen reader should read "Phone #2 Edit".
  7. Tab to the "Remove Phone #2" button and press spacebar to activate it.
  8. Row 2 is removed and focus is moved to the "Add Phone" button; the screen reader should read "Add Phone Button". (JAWS 10.0.512 reads "Phone #2 Button", which no longer exists.)

Example Form

Phone Number Type Remove
Phone #1

Results with JAWS 10.0.512

Auto Forms Mode Enabled

  1. After clicking the Remove Phone #2 button, PC focus moves to the Add Phone text box, but JAWS reads "Phone #2 Button", which no longer exists.
  2. Refreshing the JAWS Virtual Buffer corrects the situation (but a JAWS user would have no way of knowing it was necessary to do so.)

Accessibility Tests